Aug 22, 2023

Let's Discuss: Background Noise


Okay, it's been six years since I sort of broached this topic, but I'm putting a new spin to it! The reasoning is still somewhat the same, but I figured it's been long enough let's make it a sort of refresher topic! And yes, I know! TWO discussions in one week! I might be reading the same ARC for the week and not get around to finishing the next book in the same week, so I wanted to have extra content on here for you all to read should someone be out here! ;)

Background Noise

So I wonder, do you typically like to have some sort of background noise when you are working on something? It can even be when reading, but I am someone who prefers reading with silence, so I'll always mute my TV when I read. But when I do other things, like writing blogging posts or working from home, I like having the TV on for background noise. 

My go to for this is having cartoons on! Yes, even after all these years, I still like having cartoons on! Lol. I really think it's because my grandpa always seemed to have them on when I was growing up. He liked them too, so I do have a fondness for the classics. It's because of him that I grew to adore Scooby Doo! 

But cartoons are just so easy to have on for background noise. I can glance up to see what's going on and it's usually nonsense. There are some plot details to follow and such, but they are usually so simple since they all get resolved within 30 minutes. You don't have to pay one iota of attention in order to grasp what's going on. I've had some other shows on throughout the work day and will look up on occasion and be like "who's that chick?" Lol.

Cartoons have always just been easy and enjoyable! I still have my favorites I like to watch, some new ones I've grown to enjoy and then there are still ones where I will be like ugh, because I didn't find them entertaining enough or on occasion I don't care for the animation style and even though it's background "noise" I still want something I enjoy or can tolerate! Lol.

What about you? Do you like having background noise when you're working/doing something/or even reading?

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