Mar 4, 2022

Book Blogger Hop



This meme is hosted by Billy at Ramblings of a Coffee Addict!



This week's question is: What inspired you to start book blogging? (Julie @ Stepping Stone Book Reviews

MY ANSWER: Well, as I've shared in the past, this blog was created on a whim to gain an extra entry into a contest being held by Rachel Vincent to win an ARC of her next book. I was eager to read it early, so I posted my reviews on some bookish sites like Amazon and Borders, yes beloved Borders! And then I saw in her examples of where to post things she mentioned a blog and I thought, why not create a book blog?

I started it just for a contest entry but decided to keep it as a sort of book journal you could say. It became a place where I could talk and gush about books. For a time other readers found me and my reviews and it was such a great outlet to talk to other readers, people who got what I loved about reading! As times as changing there has been a decline in blogging, but I still love the hobby myself and will likely continue this blog long after everyone leaves the hobby. If only to have records of what I've read throughout my time! Lol.