This meme is hosted by Billy at Ramblings of a Coffee Addict!
This week's question is: Do you have a threshold on books where you offer the author feedback but won't review? (submitted by Heather @ MM Romance Reviewed)
MY ANSWER: I haven't received a review copy/ARC directly from the author in years, so I'm not sure I can answer this question. When I receive books for review, it's from the publisher. I will always write a review, even if I end up DNFing it, I will have a short paragraph as to why I did. I may not post that review on my blog necessarily, especially if I DNF'ed so early on, there just doesn't seem like much of a point in doing so.
I'm not sure if I interpreted this question correctly, but there you go. I guess my answer is I don't offer the author feedback because I don't receive the book from the author.