Stacking the Shelves is all about sharing the books you are adding to your shelves, may it be physical or virtual. This means you can include books you buy in physical store or online, books you borrow from friends or the library, review books, gifts, and of course ebooks! The meme is now hosted by Reading Reality.
I feel like the days are really dragging now that we're back to longer days! Lol. I feel like one of the only people who like the shorter daylight hours since it gives us the extra hour in return! It was a slightly exhausting week too. I went to my niece's first birthday party yesterday. It was a pretty small gathering with just me, my parents, my cousin and two of her kids, plus my sister's best friend. A few others couldn't make it, but my sister was keeping it small, but it was still pretty chaotic with two kids under 3, my older niece, and my cousin's two kids! Then I was talking with my family for a bit and it was one of those gather arounds where you're about to leave but end up talking for another 2 yeah, my feet are killing me as I write this post! Lol.
Other than that, the week was pretty mundane and mostly uneventful.
I actually didn't buy any books this week, but I did get these for review from the publishers:
Trouble with the Cursed by Kim Harrison (ARC)
At Midnight edited by Dahlia Adler (ARC)
THANK YOU Ace & Flatiron Books!!
Then I got my latest order from A Touch of Magic Designs!
First up was the gorgeous print of Evangeline designed by @sandrawintheart! As you might know, I'm obsessed with the World of Caraval and have taken to collecting gorgeous art prints from that world!
Then I also snagged the Evangeline and Jacks shelfies! *Pay no attention to the photo-bombing Toothless in the back!
Then I also got the latest cupcake pin in the series. I know I should probably just stick to the ones from fandoms I like, but I can't help myself! So far out of the 8 there were only 2 fandoms I didn't read or care for, but the cupcakes were still so gorgeous, I couldn't help myself from continuing the series! While this one isn't a fandom I care for, I still loved the colors and elements of the cupcake itself, so into the cart it went!
And then, I spent enough to earn a free gift and got this adorable magnet of Feyre and Rhysand! I unfortunately don't know the artist to be able to credit them here as the design wasn't up on the website with said info for me to reference.
Then I FINALLY got my preorder gift for The Iron Sword! I was honestly freaking out about this one since it was going on so many weeks without hearing word or seeing if anyone had gotten theirs. My social media messages to the publisher went unanswered as well, cuing the constant state of panic! But luckily they arrived!!!