Oct 16, 2023

Let's Discuss: Loved or Unloved?


So it was as I was writing a post for next month on another meme that an idea came to me. I didn't go into too much detail on that other post, so I thought I would do so here. Although this is likely going to turn into me talking myself into circles.

Loved or Unloved?

So when you see a cracked spine on a book are you more likely to think that the book was well loved or read by someone who doesn't love books? I've always had mixed feelings about cracked spines. On the one hand, it does look like the reader really enjoyed the book, especially if it was read multiple times. But then on the other hand, I think, do you not treat your books with care? 

Nowadays with paperbacks I find myself reading them more carefully to keep the spine "healthy" and in tact. I'm an avid reader and I love books and the few "accidents" I've had where a spine cracks, or a page gets bent, or dare I even say, ripped? Or in the one incidence when a drink splashed back on the ends of pages. I was devastated. Like uncontrollable tears devastated.

So when I see cracked spines--mainly on paperbacks--I can't help but wince, thinking do they not like books? Do they not read carefully? But then I also think, wow, they really loved that book! They read it thin! Like I said, it's a conundrum. I talk myself into circles whether a cracked spine means love or not love. I don't want to say hate, as that feels too strong of a word. But yeah. I don't feel like I will ever come to a decision on whether it's one or the other.

I've always been too much of a perfectionist with some things. With my books I am full on OCD. I admit it and not ashamed to admit. I like keeping my books neat and orderly. I've never been one to write in books, with all the highlights and annotations. I liked reading author's annotations of their own books, but yeah I could never get used to the idea of writing in a book. I've tried. It didn't last long. Lol. I think the only things I might do are highlight favorite quotes or lines, maybe right a reaction down on occasion, but I feel like I wouldn't know what to do to make a "fun" annotated read. Lol.

How about you? What's your stance on cracked spines? Does it show a well loved book or does it show a book read by someone who doesn't care deeply for books? I guess by the latter I think more of the casual reader, not the voracious reader.

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