Oct 29, 2023

Stacking the Shelves--The ACFTL Edition: Part 1


Stacking the Shelves is all about sharing the books you are adding to your shelves, may it be physical or virtual. This means you can include books you buy in physical store or online, books you borrow from friends or the library, review books, gifts, and of course ebooks! The meme is now hosted by Reading Reality

What a week! It was a very long, exhausting, but oh so wonderful week! It started off with a long 4.5 hour drive to Naperville to attend the Danielle Valentine signing then I drove home straight after. Then the work week was kind of sporadic and mostly uneventful since I was mostly gone! Tuesday was ACFTL release day so I took off, bought my B&N copies and then read it all day Tuesday and finished it up Wednesday morning. Then Thursday, I took off, made the 4 hour and 45 minute drive to Nashville to attend the Stephanie Garber signing and had a most wonderful time! I love talking with other readers, but other readers who love Stephanie's books was a whole new ball park! Lol! Then I made the long drive home, got next to no sleep as I was too live wired to actually sleep, then got up to start work at 6am...though I'm not officially on the clock until 7am. Then I had to drive out to meet up with my work group as we haven't really all met in person in ever, so I felt obligated to go even though I was a tired wreck. Then I had a super late dinner due to unforeseen circumstances and despite wanting to go to bed early that night I didn't lay down until around 10 and I've no idea what time I fell asleep. I swear I feel like sometimes I have low grade insomnia! I'm not up all night, but I feel like I stay up later than I should sometimes. I just can't ever get my mind to shut down. If I lay and watch TV then I focus on that, same with music...even if it's "relaxing" my mind wanders and starts thinking a thousand thoughts. It's insane! But really I had an awesome week! 2 great signings despite the long drives and I loved every minute of it...the signings, not so much the driving! This is when having a loving boyfriend would really come in hand! Lol.

So here's my haul from this week...in the grand scheme of adding to the TBR pile I really didn't do too bad! The damage to my credit card is another story though, lol!

Delicate Condition by Danielle Valentine--SIGNED! This is actually the only book I got this week that I need to read!

Lately, I've kind of taken to not get all my books personalized. Something another reader said to me years ago kind of hit me as I continue to get older. She said, she didn't get her books personalized as she wanted her family members to be able to enjoy her signed books themselves one day when she was gone, and not get sad when they see her name on them all. So it kind of got me thinking about mortality and all. So unless I felt a very, very strong attachment to the book I wouldn't always get it personalized. I figure wherever my books end up, whether sold or kept by whoever I leave them to, they could be put to better use if they weren't all signed to me. Of course, favorites will still be personalized so I can gush over them! Lol.

Then you're probably wondering about my Stephanie Garber haul...well I am STILL waiting for my UK copies to arrive. They should've arrived Friday based on the day's USPS report, but they did not show. Tracking on them told me they'd arrive Monday, and sure enough yesterday's USPS report said the same. So here is the US haul...minus Owl Crate, which just got a shipping label attached to it.

A Curse for True Love by Stephanie Garber--B&N edition x3; ALL SIGNED!
A Curse for True Love by Stephanie Garber--
standard edition x5; ALL SIGNED!

Naturally, this one has already been read, reviewed, and ADORED!

You're probably wondering why all the multiples. Am I insane? Well, yes, for Stephanie's books I am! Lol! But okay, the last 2 years the B&N editions were all signed specially by Stephanie. Some with super rare quotes or whatnot, usually in different colored sharpies as well. In the first two books I collected 3 different colored signatures each. Well, having 3 & 3 of the first two books built a symmetry on my shelves, so even though ACFTL isn't signed in different colors, I had to have 3. And really, I didn't "buy" any B&N ones as I used a gift card for one and my B&N rewards dollars on the second two! Lol.

Then you're probably asking why 5 standard copies? Well, 1 is naturally my "regular" copy. Then 1 is for the alternate cover--which you shall see momentarily. Then I've bought a set of 3 different alternate covers for the series from artists that I liked the renditions of, so eventually, they will create a cover for the third book. So I thought, might as well buy those copies now and get them signed since Stephanie was only signing copies of ACFTL...no matter how many you wanted to buy/bring! So I took that note very, very seriously! Lol.

Then I FINALLY received my Pendragon's Shop copy of The Ballad of Never After! Apparently there was an issue with the US orders and they were all sent back to the sender. But it finally arrived! 

The Ballad of Never After by Stephanie Garber--Pendragon, Italian edition!

It also came with this little Jacks doll! I had forgotten about that! He's cute, but a little awkward looking when I put him next to my Fae Crate Evagenline doll. He's much smaller than her, so they kind of need to be separated for full enjoyment! Lol.

Then as you might have seen from my posts and the publisher's, I actually WON the An Apple for Jacks contest (along with 2 other readers)! I won a copy of A Curse for True Love and an Apple pen! The pen hasn't arrived yet, but I got my extra copy of ACFTL! So yes, now I have an extra extra!

A Curse for True Love by Stephanie Garber

THANK YOU Flatiron Books!

Then continuing the ACFTL love, I received my preorder incentive of the alternate cover, which I immediately flatten and wrapped around one of my extra signed copies! Lol!

I mean this is TOTALLY giving me The Princess Bride vibes! Not that Buttercup ever looked at Humperdink like that on the left, but yeah, we all know why she's smiling at him. 😑


THANK YOU, AGAIN, Flatiron Books!

Next up, when I was at the signing, another lovely reader gave me this super cute friendship bracelet! I've been seeing some readers make these friendship bracelets online and passing them out! This is the first I received and I LOVE it!

It's hard to see at this angle, though I thought I caught it better when I saw it on my phone, but the letter beads spell out Fox!

Then during my adventures in Nashville I shopped around a mall or two and came across this at a Hot Topic! Since it was the last one I decided to buy it! I had wanted the "chase" edition since it had Belle holding books, but naturally I got the standard one. Sigh...she does have books in her basket so I guess that's a plus!

Then in the strip of stores around the bookstore I came across this one shop called Ten Thousand Villages. It was a non-profit store where they received all these different items that were handmade by women from different countries. The store pays the women for the items and then sells them and donates back to them as well, from what I understood. The lady at the shop was super nice and I was talking with her awhile about different things, mainly what I was there for that night! So as I was browsing what did I find? A cute little apple that was made in Pakistan! I'm not sure what the marble material was, or if it was just marble as I do like crystals and rocks that have powerful meanings behind them. And on the same shelf I saw this cute little ring dish with an owl in it! The colors were very Halloween related and I just couldn't stop staring at it so I had to buy that too!

I don't think I'll ever put anything in the bowl as I don't really wear rings and I wouldn't want anything to scratch at the paint either! It's so detailed and pretty!

And that was it for me this week! That was Part 1 of my ACFTL haul! 4/6 of my UK copies should be arriving Monday! For whatever reason Forbidden Planet changed the release date to 11/7 and I have no idea why. I can only assume it's something to do with when they're getting their copies so they had to change their specific sale date? No clue. Then I am still waiting for my Owl Crate copy and FL won't be til November or December if I recall. And I don't know when my Goldsboro will arrive. So there's still a bit of waiting to do on some copies! Lol.

What did you get this week?

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