Oct 9, 2023

Let's Discuss: Re-Reading Books


What makes you decide to re-read a book? Is it when you need a comfort read? Something to help you find the joy of reading again? I'm not usually a re-reader myself, my TBR is too full of books I want to read for the first time that I don't usually spend time re-reading books but I find myself breaking my rule these last few years.

Re-Reading Books

I remember wayyyy back at the beginning of my blogging life, I would re-read quite a bit just because I didn't have new reads at the ready. So I would visit favorite reads and just read them again and again. Then I would travel the shelves of Borders going up and down shelves looking for new reads and not leaving the store until I found one. Good times. Lol.

Then I joined a discussion group and that help get me recommendations on occasion and I would read those and then pick up more from those authors backlist until I was caught up and waiting for new releases. Then I started attending the now deceased RT Booklovers' Convention which were a LOT of fun! I think by 2012 the YA genre was taking off and I came home with LOTS of books! Then I started going to more of those and kept coming home with LOTS of books and soon I had more books than I knew what to do with! Lol.

I still read endlessly, whenever I can. I don't get out much. Lol. So nowadays with a TBR pile that's in the 3 digit numbers, I don't really spend too much time re-reading books I've read before despite loving them. But when it came to Stephanie Garber...I decided I had to make an exception. I've got a bad memory for things when it comes to books since I read so many. Events and details cross wires, and I didn't want that for Stephanie's books! So I decided to re-read them! I did this for Finale, I think...maybe? I know I re-read that whole trilogy before OUABH and then I re-read that one before TBONA and I am now re-reading them again for ACFTL later this month! It's my one exception to my "I don't have time" rule! Lol.

So what about you? Do you re-read books even with a tower TBR pile of unread books calling your name?

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