Jan 29, 2024

15th Blogoversary Post!

(image borrowed from DC Therapist Connect)

Whoa! I've been blogging for FIFTEEN YEARS! I honestly never thought I would be going this long! But even with the changes in the blogging world I've seen over the last several years, I still can't quite bring myself to leave it. Many friends I've made through the course of time have left the blogging world behind. It can be stressful for some people and I get that. Life changes and we soon get other obligations or other interests and just don't have the time to devote to blogging.

Since I'm still a reader through and though I still like writing my reviews for books! I feel like my blog has become somewhat of a book journal over the years where I catalog everything I've read from the good to the bad, but mainly good! 

What I've always stressed to when I see my friends needing a break or just quitting in general is that blogging should always be fun! No matter what! If it becomes too strenuous or you feel like you have an additional job, than yes, take a break. Quit if you need to. Reading should never feel like an unwanted obligation where you feel like "ugh, I need to get this book done by X date since the publisher sent it to me." Reading itself should always be fun! If you're not feeling a book. DNF it. I used to hate DNFing books as I felt like I had to see a book through. But since my TBR pile has grown tremendously since I started blogging and I know I will likely leave this world with several books still left unread, DNFing is no longer a problem. So if you're not feeling a book, even one a publisher sent. DNF it. Don't force yourself to finish something you're not enjoying. Write the review that says why you had to unfortunately DNF it. 

That being said, of course, if you're just not feeling the book in the moment, just set it aside and come back to it when you are! I've never been much of a mood reader, so I can't speak much on the subject of picking the "right" book to read. My TBR pile is pretty much compiled with books I want to read! Of course I do occasionally get a bit burnt out on genres...mainly just fantasy. I've been reading a LOT of fantasy lately and though I do have another one slated to be read next, it's because the author is coming to St. Louis next month and I need to see if I like the series enough to go it. So alas, I had to not follow my own advice! Lol. Though I am sneaking in one thriller/mystery read in as you can see since it was sent to me for review and I want to read it anyway! Lol. It was just good timing, but I still think after this upcoming fantasy read in my queue I will need to pick up another paranormal or thriller or something for a bit. Really my burnout just needs a break for a book or two and then I am usually good to get back. See, I can't even do burnouts that well! Lol.

Sadly this year, I am going to have to postpone my giveaway. January got away from me with expenses what with Stephanie Garber's next book kind of springing up sooner than expected. Lol. And as you know I am a HUGE fan of hers, so more than 1 copy was preordered. Which led to earlier than anticipated charges to my credit card! Lol! I'm hoping to maybe do a little giveaway next month since 15 years is a pretty big milestone!

So if you've read it this far, THANK YOU! Thank you to everyone who still visits and comments on my blog! I truly cherish every comment I get! And I guess it's showing my old school ways, but if I happen to not being following your blog and you follow mine, just let me know in comments that you're an "old follower" as I tend to do in my comments with meme days! You can be an "old follower" as soon as yesterday or you can even say "new follower" and I always follow back! But I guess with my old school ways when it came to finding new blogs, I always let blog owners know that I am new or old and follow them and in return I received the same feedback in some of the earlier years! Lol. Yeah, it's weird. But if you haven't quite noticed yet, I'm weird. Lol.

So yes, I promise a giveaway will come! Likely next month...probably on the 29th since we have a leap year, a bit aggravated at the timing since this means my birthday will fall on a Monday instead of the Sunday I had hoped for! But hopefully I'll have some vacation time still racked up and can take off anyway! Lol.

See you lovely people soon!

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