Jan 24, 2024

Let's Discuss--Name Challenge

Okay, so I don't know exactly what challenge you want to call this! I was just scrolling through Threads one day last week and saw this and thought, THAT LOOKS LIKE FUN! So you know me, I decide to save it for later and make a post about it!

From the gist of things you basically spelling out your name and then whatever task corresponds with the letters you chose a book that fits it!

So I saw this on Threads and it appears to have been created by @library.w.rolling.ladder! Seemed mostly like a Threads/Instagram post but I wanted to talk lenghy-like about it so here we are! Lol.


Jumped to the Front of Your TBR Pile

As of today as I write this post, (which as you're reading it now, it would've been over the weekend!), I just got this one in the mail and I will be reading it after my next two books. I'm binging a trilogy right now, but immediately after I want to read this one because it's Kate Alice Marshall! I love her books! Even though I am always behind! lol


Everyone Loves But You Didn't

Ironically I just talked about this one in the Book Blogger Hop on Friday too! Everyone seems to love this series. I gave book 1 a try when a friend gave it to me for Christmas some years ago. Read it and was bored to tears. People kept telling me they get better but if I am not the least bit hooked by a book I won't give the rest of the series a try. I just can't. Too many books on the TBR for a second chance. But I do like Maas' other books, it was just this series that wasn't a winner.


 Should Be Taught in School

Now, I've know way of knowing if this is in any school curriculum. It probably is since it's a classic. But I feel like getting back to early origins of the vampire in literature would be fun! I even took a class once on the history of witches and vampires. It was a class made for me! Lol.


Should be Taught in School

So I'm thinking of an elective class, i.e. not required, but one where you read historical fiction books blended with paranormal/fantasy elements. Books that take real events from history and spin them on their heads! I would SO sign up for this class! I feel like this series would be a lot of fun since historical moments did happen, just not in the way we were taught!


Is the Book You'd Pick on a Stranded Island

So unless I can get someone to make a custom bind up of all the Caraval books (including the unreleased novella!) I would settle for Legendary! I ADORED Tella! She was my favorite of the sisters and I just loved her feisty attitude! I could happily re-read this one while I wait for the rescue boat...but yeah a bindup of all 3.5 books would be great before this strandedness happens!


Caused a Reading Slump

Uh, I really don't have time for reading slumps! I've around 600 books piled up that I really really want to read! So yeah, I've never really had one of those! I just move onto the next book. But perhaps this one left me a bit forlorn as I didn't want to leave the world so soon! Especially after those bonus scenes post credits that Stephanie teased us with!


A Friend Recommended to You

I can't remember which blogger it was who recommended this one to me, as I believe she has retired from blogging, but I remember reading her review and liking the sounds of this one! So I went out and bought it...I still haven't read it, but I still want to! Lol. I even bought the rest of the series up as well...mainly because my beloved Borders was closing and you know, book sales...plus member discount so I couldn't say no!

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