Jan 21, 2024

Stacking the Shelves--The Cold, The Signed, & The Surprises!


Stacking the Shelves is all about sharing the books you are adding to your shelves, may it be physical or virtual. This means you can include books you buy in physical store or online, books you borrow from friends or the library, review books, gifts, and of course ebooks! The meme is now hosted by Reading Reality.


Well I survived another week! It wasn't too bad either. I had Monday off, Tuesday I had a book signing and work wasn't crazy. Other than going crazy checking tracking on half a dozen packages it wasn't too terrible. But yeah, that mail! Not to mention the distribution center of no return! But then as I was waiting for what I thought was just 1 package yesterday, another TWO showed up! But alas, my one and only preorder from B&N didn't arrive. The Monday holiday and that wicked distribution center playing a large part in it! I have another signing this week too with Brigid Kemmerer on Monday! 1 whole day before her book releases but alas, that means I can't get the B&N edition to go with the rest of my collection as it looks like the stores can't put it out early. I generally don't buy the books when I see them early but since Brigid is touring here the day before release day I was going to make an exception, but alas, fate is against this idea. 

Here's what I got this week:

The Narrow by Kate Alice Marshall--my last free book earned with Penguin Rewards! I am sad to see the reward program leave but it was fun while it lasted! Figured I might as well get this book in time for the signing next month and I couldn't figure out which "adult" book to buy (since they're priced higher and I'd be getting a better value with that choice) on the off chance an author toured here for that one.
Finale by Stephanie Garber--
UK 5th Anniversary Rose Gold Paperback! I didn't get the best shot with my phone as it's hard to really see the "rose" color. I'll try to take a better one today!

The Heiress by Rachel Hawkins--SIGNED!
A Taste of Poison by Tessonja Odette--
Deluxe Edition SIGNED!

Then I got one of the Fairy Loot sequel exclusive editions! Just showing the cover which was already displayed before time of purchase!


Two Twisted Crowns by Rachel Gillig--still need to read the first one but at least I have a matching set of the duology now! Plus a SIGNED bookplate! I did get a little dent on the bottom left corner, but I feel like it's not damaged enough to complain. It's not so terrible as at least the red foil design helps to cover it.

And then on Friday I got a SUPER AMAZING box in the mail:

It was a box from Flatiron Books that contained: 

No One Can Know by Kate Alice Marshall
a winter hat
a pack of Hot Hands hand warmers
a pack of hot chocolate
and a mysterious key!

If you know me, you know I LOOOOOVE a good PR box of goodies! Especially ones curated to the book with items that put a theme together! That we are in the middle of cold snap just makes this box extra perfect!!


Then I got some extra special goodies in the mail this week as well! First up is my preorder from Geek and Artsy:

It's a handmade replica of Jacks' blade from the OUABH trilogy! It's positively stunning! It's not scaled to size, but its minature-ness is still delightful! I haven't decided if I want to take it out of this pseudo case as the clear film is more like a saran wrap. It did come with a little stand. It's more something I'll display when I get my house and can have my shelves in proper order. So I might leave it in this little case until then for transportation purposes too! I really hope 2024 will be my year!

Next up on the Caraval front is this gorgeous little coin I bought from an Etsy shop, Andres Aguirre! When I checked yesterday, it was still on sale too and only a limited amount left! So if it's to your fancy don't wait too long! Shipping was really quick too coming from Spain! I think it came in about a week from time of ordering!


It's a two sided coin; one side with the symbol of Caraval and the other side has Legend's hat with a rose, fireworks, and letters! Then it has an inscription with You Must Remember It's Only a Game! It's made from a real metal like thing too! I know I'm not using the right words here, but it's obviously not a real gold coin, but sure feels like one! Lol!

Then I also got this nice print as a bonus!

And that was it for me this week! Not too shabby at the end of the day! What all did you get this week?

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