Jan 2, 2024

Let's Discuss: Inspiration from Books


Okay another discussion came to me when I was reading using my new Book Beau Bean pillow. I have seen mixed comments on these but honestly, I love using it. It makes reading in bed a little easier to have a big book propped up for me!

But anyway it was as I was looking at the pattern of the pillow I chose that it made me remember the notebooks I used to create (though I do still have them...somewhere) that looked very similar in which I would write down fun things or other writing ideas.


Then it made me remember where I got the inspiration to do this!

Inspiration from Books

When I was younger I found this book series called Amelia's Notebook! Anyone else remember these? And omg, I was just looking them up on Goodreads, there was like 29 books within the series plus a handful of other books that may or may not be full stories. I wasn't entirely sure as I recognized the "My Notebook" one where you create a notebook with help from "Amelia."

Anyway, these were books made to look like composition notebooks covered in stickers and doodles. Inside the story was on lined pages with drawings and other stickers, fake postcards taped in and it read like a journal! They were really fun books and when I was reading them I decided I wanted to create a notebook like Amelia. The one where it was "My Notebook" ended up a mess. So I made my own that I called me "Whatever I Want" notebook! I doodled, I may have journaled, added stickers, wrote down weird facts...basically just whatever I wanted! Lol.

It was probably the first time I was inspired to do something I saw in a book. I did have great fun with these growing up and continued them for awhile. I eventually kind of turned them into writing notebooks where if I got ideas for stories I would write them down. Sometimes I wrote an entire scene or other times I would just write a note to change little things about one of my characters. 

So basically when I saw this Book Beau Bean pillow I knew that this design was one I had to have! It had such nostalgia!

Has a book ever inspired or had you wanting to do something that you saw within its pages?

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