Jan 14, 2024

Stacking the Shelves


Stacking the Shelves is all about sharing the books you are adding to your shelves, may it be physical or virtual. This means you can include books you buy in physical store or online, books you borrow from friends or the library, review books, gifts, and of course ebooks! The meme is now hosted by Reading Reality.


Well we're definitely in the dregs of January. I don't expect there to be anything lively again until fall. Lol. I am not a spring/summer person whatsoever, so while 99% of the world longs for those seasons, I do not. I do not like them whatsoever, so I am clinging to these last few weeks of colder weather. Lol. I don't necessarily like going out in winter either, but I will in a heartbeat if there's things to do. My soul and heart just feel so much lighter when it's cold out. I am weird, if you didn't already know! The week was pretty dull all things considered. Not a whole lot going on either, we had some chances for snow but only ever got spitting flurries, nothing that stuck but we do have arctic temps which does make going out nicer as most people are staying in! Lol.


Here's what I got this week:

A Fate of Flame by Tessonja Odette--SIGNED! I still need to read this series of hers but now I have it all lined up so hopefully I can binge it soon!
A Fate of Flame by Tessonja Odette--
SIGNED Special Edition! Yes I bought both copies...already breaking my "try not to buy multiple copies" thing, but one has bonus content so it is a slightly different book, plus contrasting covers!

Then I made a trip to B&N last night and found the last copy of the book I wanted PLUS I feel victim to the random BOGO Half Off sales they occasionally have! I picked up 2 that I kind of wanted to try, one author is already in my TBR...but I had gift cards AND rewards so they didn't cost me anything! Lol.

Do Your Worst by Rosie Danan--the impulse purchase! I was trying to find another title marked BOGO 50% and this sounded kinda cute. I'm kinda digging the cutesy paranormal romance reads! I don't even know who I am anymore! Lol!
A Demon's Guide to Wooing a Witch by Sarah Hawley--
I have her other book in my TBR but this one sounded fun too so I when I saw it was BOGO 50% I decided I had to get it...and find something else that sounded fun too! Lol.
What Lies in the Woods by Kate Alice Marshall--
finally picked this one up...in paperback! The author is coming to my bookstore next month (on the same day as another author 😭 at a different store) and I decided I have more of her books so I have to go this signing and added this to my stack!

Then I finally got my order from A Court of Alsace's Art! She's based in Spain and this was a preorder of sorts, so I knew it would take awhile! I didn't even know it had shipped until it showed up earlier this week!

I got the OUABH window standee
some freebie stickers of Jacks and Evangeline and the window!
then I got a Caraval postage stamp wooden pin
then the OUABH wooden sword/bookmark. Though it's kind of thick so I'll probably just display it...whenever I can get my shelves in order once I find a house.

Then awhile back I managed to get lucky enough to snag some specially designed book plates from Rebecca Yarros!

These are the coolest things ever because they are on a clear sticker! You can't really tell now based on the backing, but it's legit a clear sticker so once I put them in books it will look even better! So those unsigned Fairy Loot editions I managed to buy are now going to be nearly signed with these!

Then in an Instagram contest I totally forgot about I won a cute little winter cap from Tor Publishing!

I swear I took like 15 selfies trying to get a good picture, but I suck at selfies! Lol. So it's just a picture of the hat unfortunately! 

THANK YOU Tor Publishing!

And that was it for me this week! Not too bad of a week all in all! What did you get this week?


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