Mar 1, 2024

Book Blogger Hop #295


This meme is hosted by Billy at Ramblings of a Coffee Addict!
This week's question is: What was your gateway book--the book that made you want to read more--into reading or into a specific genre? (submitted by Meezan @ Caboodle of Cozie

MY ANSWER: Well I can't remember what book it was that made me want to keep reading past storybooks at bedtime, but I've talked about it here before but I will say it again, the book that made me LOVE vampire books and made me want to read all things paranormal was Amelia Atwater-Rhodes' Demon in My View!

I am still not sure what it was about this book that had me so hooked but it hooked me in good! It's definitely not up to many people's standards of YA books today. It's very short. I read this several times while I waited for publishers to realize that readers wanted vampire books (and I am still waiting for that to happen again!). It didn't hurt at all that the heroine shares my name and might have been part of the allure. I just remember pilling the book off the shelf and seeing this tattoo dude holding a rose and being very intrigued by the premise so off the Borders registers I went!

I even got to meet Amelia a handful of years ago and it was the best moment ever! I was a stuttering mess and a bundle of nerves but it was everything!

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