Mar 24, 2024

Stacking the Shelves--One Book & A Rant About the Mail


Stacking the Shelves is all about sharing the books you are adding to your shelves, may it be physical or virtual. This means you can include books you buy in physical store or online, books you borrow from friends or the library, review books, gifts, and of course ebooks! The meme is now hosted by Reading Reality.


Well it was another week! Already counting down the days until Tuesday which will be my last author signing for the foreseeable future! Sadly, no authors I read are scheduled to come here anytime soon. So after a whirlwind of 3 months with 2-3 author signings each, I'm finally entering a month with nothing going on! There's still hope for May I suppose. I did see Stephanie Garber was going to be doing another signing in CA in April, but alas, those plane tickets were still over $500 for a roundtrip! Then I have to add in a hotel stay and Uber trips galore in CA and then there's still meals...even if I bring some protein bars and just eat out once which I could totally do, we're still looking at probably $1,000 for a 2 day trip! I just can't justify it. If the flight were cheaper yes, I'd totally try doing it! Maybe even longer but it's just too pricey. The Gateway to the West is no longer the travel hub it used to be when I was wayyy younger and not able to actually go anywhere! Lol.

The week was a dull one as I pretty much went the whole week without getting anything! But then I remembered a book I forgot to preorder so I used my gift card to buy it at B&N Saturday. My preorder that I was told shipped Sunday night has NOT even been picked up by the carrier! ALL week it just sat there and I'm fully convinced it's lost. But it probably won't be declared LOST until later this week. I tried reaching out to Customer Service on Twitter like I usually do, but I guess they don't work weekends? I can't remember. I'll likely try again Monday morning because I am FRANTIC! What sucks is that they just try sending me another one in the same super slow manner that they always do. You'd think they could try expediting it but members don't get fast free shipping, they just get the slowest one possible for free. What I HATE is that they always pass St. Louis to go to Kansas City UPS sorting center to then be given to USPS to then go the Sorting Center of No Return and sit for another 2-5 days before ever getting to my local PO. It's INSANE! 99% of my B&N preorders come from NJ and ALWAYS take this route. My last one oddly came from the Chicago area which was highly unusual, but then of course for 2-3 days there was no movement but then the book was delivered on Thursday instead of the usual Friday.

I basically have bad luck when it comes to B&N shipping me my books. I'm like seriously wondering if the books are driven from NJ to KC or if there's a plane involved? Because I'm like why do you pass St. Louis with my order to go 4 hours in the wrong direction to send it back to STL? It's not the first time they've done this. One time it literally came to my PO before going to Iowa! Then they sent it back and then the PO finally delivered it to me. I mean I do get human error, but why must it always be my books that suffer! Take a clothing order on a roundabout trip for days on end! I won't care! Just give me my books!! *sobs*

So yes, with great sadness I did not get the book I was SUPER excited about and would've loved to start reading as I did finish my current read of the week on Friday and since my books usually arrive on Fridays it would've been perfect timing. But alas, my book is missing. I just have to wait some more days before B&N agrees with me and starts the process all over again.

So here's the book I went out and bought myself:

The Revenant Games by Margie Fuston--so wish I could've gone to the signing in CA with Margie & Stephanie! That would've been amazing! But flights are horrendously expensive!

And that's it for me! Sorry for the ranting above! I was in distress all week and crying nearly every day seeing ZERO updates from B&N! What did you get this week? Did you have better luck with your mail deliveries?

Also, should I count this as a discussion post? I hate doing rants...but I do find it very therapeutic to do them here! Lol. So, sorry if you actually do read through my ranting! I don't have many people in real life that I can just rant endlessly to. Most of my family already think I have too many books and don't need to order more. So yeah...can't really talk to them about book mail woes!