Jul 4, 2024

Books from the Backlog #90


Books from the Backlog is a fun way to feature some of those neglected books sitting on your bookshelf unread.  If you are anything like me, you might be surprised by some of the unread books hiding in your stacks. This is a fun meme hosted by Carole's Random Life in Books!


High school juniors Camelia and Ben have discovered a powerful They both possess the power of psychometry, the ability to see the future through touch. For Ben, the gift is a frightening liability. When he senses a strong threat or betrayal, he risks losing control. Camelia's gift is more mysterious. When she works with clay, her hands sculpt messages her mind doesn't yet comprehend.

Before either one has a chance to fully grasp their abilities, a new danger surfaces, but this time, Camelia is not the target. Adam, a familiar face from Ben's past, is drawn into a puzzle he can't solve...and his life is on the line. As the clues pile up, Camelia must decide whether to help him and risk losing Ben or do nothing and suffer the consequences. But in these games, who can be trusted?
Packed with the suspense and romance that made Deadly Little Secret and Deadly Little Lies breakout hits, Deadly Little Games is sure to be a bestseller.




I ended up buying Deadly Little Games by Laurie Faria Stolarz in October of 2015 at HPB. Pretty sure I found the entire series that day, all in hardcover, all in fairly good condition and I think it was also the Black Friday Sale, so savings on top of savings! Since I loved Stolarz's Blue is for Nightmares series I pretty much just threw all the books in my bag! Lol. And then they sat on my shelves for years and year waiting to be read. I so wish I didn't need to sleep! Think of all the books I could be reading instead!




Jul 3, 2024

Can't Wait Wednesday


Can't-Wait Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted at Wishful Endings, to spotlight and discuss the books we're excited about that we have yet to read. It's based on Waiting on Wednesday, hosted by the fabulous Jill at Breaking the Spine.


The dazzling romantic fantasy world of House of Marionne continues in this dark and deadly sequel full of forbidden magic, devastating lies, and broken hearts. A must read for fans of Stephanie Garber, Leigh Bardugo, and Alex Aster.

Unleash the darkness. Claim your power.

Quell Marionne’s explosive final Rite of Induction to House Marionne sent shockwaves through the magical world, unearthing long buried secrets and her own deadly power. But she paid a steep her family and her love. Fleeing Chateau Soleil for House of Perl, for once Quell is celebrated instead of shunned. She has finally found somewhere to belong. But secrets lurk in every House, and Quell’s quest to find her mom threatens to lead her deeper into the shadows.

Assassin Jordan Wexton, second-in command of the Dragun brotherhood, must protect the source of all magic, the Sphere. Yet the biggest threat to the Sphere is Quell Marionne—the girl he loved, until she claimed the deadly, outlawed toushana. As the Sphere cracks and war brews among the Houses, can the only way to save the world be to kill his own heart?

Now, these two lovers-turned enemies must confront their competing ambitions and conflicting loyalties. Or die. The future of magic hangs on their decision.


I STILL need to read House of Marionne but I somehow always find myself adding sequels to my wishlists or watchlists in the meantime!


TITLE: House of Perl

PUBLISHER: Razorbill
GENRE: YA Fantasy
RELEASE DATE: September 3, 2024



Ben Rosewood never meant to be bound to a vampire succubus, especially one as sexy-yet-terrifying as Eleanora Bettencourt-Devereux, but he has to admit there are some fang-tastic perks….

Werewolf Ben Rosewood is happy with his life. One hundred percent. Everything is fine. His business, Ben’s Plant Emporium, is thriving, and he’s even expanding the shop. His anxiety disorder is…well, it’s been better, but that comes with the territory of running a business and having beastly urges every full moon, right? As for romance—who has the time? Though his family is desperate to see him settled, Ben is fine approaching forty as a single werewolf. But after drunkenly bidding on and winning a supposedly-possessed crystal on eBay one night, he finds himself face-to-face with a beautiful but angry vampire.

Eleanora Bettencourt-Devereux is a rare breed—a vampire succubus born from two elite European bloodlines during medieval times. But thanks to an evil witch, she’s been stuck in a crystal since she was thirty, forced to obey orders from the possessor of the rock. Eleanora’s been dreaming of breaking the spell and severing the witch’s head for centuries. But did this witch really sell her to someone new, and for only ninety-nine cents?

Eleanora would claw this werewolf’s heart out and eat it, if only the binding spell would allow her to. But Eleanora and Ben soon realize they can help each other with both vengeful and less hostile needs. And why not have a little fun along the way?


Okay, so this is a series that doesn't seem like you need to read in order, but you know I will! Lol! I've read the first book and found it to be adorable! Just the right blend of paranormal to it to keep things interesting! Already getting a werewolf book and I am super excited though I really want to read book 2 after seeing who these characters were in the first one!


TITLE: A Werewolf's Guide to Seducing a Vampire
AUTHOR: Sarah Hawley

GENRE: Paranormal Romance
RELEASE DATE: August 13, 2024





Jul 2, 2024

Teaser & Top Ten Tuesdays


Teaser Tuesday is a weekly feature hosted by Purple Princess of The Purple Booker

Here are the rules:

1. Grab your current read
2. Open to a page
3. Pick out 2 lines that are SPOILER FREE
4. Name the title, author, etc.


"'I'll text you when I have something,' he says. 'And don't try playing detective again. Go home and...' He waves a hand. 'Study or whatever.'" p 45









TITLE: Known to the Victim
AUTHOR: K.L. Armstrong

PUBLISHER: Doubleday Canada
GENRE: Thriller
RELEASE DATE: June 25, 2024

Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and The Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together. 

This week's topic is: Top Ten Books with My Favorite Color on the Cover

*in no particular order

10. SORCERY OF THORNS by Margaret Rogerson--Owl Crate edition! Still need to read this one...and pretty much all of my picks!
9. CURIOUS TIDES by Pascale Lacelle--
impulsively bought this one after seeing the hype and seeing what it was about! Naturally I grabbed the B&N SE too!
as soon as I saw Meg Cabot attached to a paranormal story, I was sold!

7. THE BOX IN THE WOODS by Maureen Johnson--hoping to start this series soon since she's coming here next month! Finally! 12+ years of waiting, I finally get to meet her!!
6. STAIN by A.G. Howard--
so behind on her books too! The sizes are intimidating, as I've mentioned before I am a terribly slow reader!
5. STRANGE GRACE by Tessa Gratton--
I'm not positive what edition this is, it just said paperback with the same release date as the hardcover which looked decidedly black. The cover I have is a deep purple though that is gorgeous! So I chose this one to make it clear it's a purple book!

4. TO KILL A SHADOW by Katherine Quinn--still need to read this purple beauty! Purple cover, purple flowers, purple stained edges! It's just GORGEOUS!
3. THE SHADOW by Marianne Curley--
still need to read this one too! I'll have to reread the original trilogy as well as it's been wayyyy too long and wayyyyyy wayyyyy too many books since I last read them!
2. CHARMING by Jade Linwood--
this one sounded amazing too! I just saw the cover for the sequel and I am convinced I need that one too!




Y'all know what's coming right...???

1. THE BALLAD OF NEVER AFTER by Stephanie Garber--is it considered "cheating" when I choose two covers of the same book when I couldn't decide which purple version to go with? No? Definitely no! Lol.

Jul 1, 2024

Review--Known to the Victim by K.L. Armstrong


From nationally bestselling author K.L. Armstrong comes a new heartstopping, propulsive, race-against-the-clock thriller.

How far will you go to protect the only family you have?

When Amy Gibson's mother is brutally murdered by her boyfriend, Amy's world is completely undone. Overcome with grief and heartache, she withdraws from everything around her—college, her friends, her entire life. Until her estranged half-brother, Oliver, saves her, pulling her back into her life and giving her family. Giving her a home.

Eight years later, she's picked herself up and has worked hard to move forward. She’s the host of a popular true crime podcast that focuses on crimes against women committed by their partners and is finding purpose and healing through helping women in ways she couldn't help her mother.

And then Oliver is accused of the unthinkable—something that is so unlike him. Something that horrifies Amy. But desperate to save the only family she has, she sets out to prove her brother's innocence.

But as the days pass and more information about Oliver and his past slowly comes to light, Amy begins realizing that nothing is ever as it seems—especially when it comes to family.


I received this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest and voluntary review. I was in no way compensated for this review.


I am so behind on my Kelley Armstrong books that when I got an opportunity to review her latest thriller, Known to the Victim, written as K.L. Armstrong, I jumped at the chance! Kelley has been one of my favorite authors since nearly day 1 and I've loved just about everything she's written, and that has been a lot! I swear she must not sleep because she keeps decking out all the books every year and I am forever behind! But it was nice to be able to pickup one of her standalones and get some enjoyment out of it without worrying about series information for later.

This was a decidedly spooky thriller, in the very realistic way that thrillers can be utterly terrifying. When Amy was a sophomore in college, her mother was murdered. Not by accident, not by some random mugging or serial killer rampage, but by someone she knew. Her mother was murdered by a man she had just started dating and if that's not enough to terrify any young single woman, I don't know what will. It had a huge impact on Amy's life, naturally. So much so that she changed her major and started a blog that turned into a podcast that looked into similar situations to her mother's. How sometimes a woman gets murdered by the person she was closest to and what signs might have been missed. She does it as a sort of tribute to her mother, and to help educate other young woman.

When Amy is doing a live, in-person presentation about her podcast, she is confronted by an audience member who accuses her brother do unspeakable things. Things that Amy talks about in her podcasts with other dangerous predators. Amy is sideswiped by this information, but handles it as professionally as possible, but yet she reaches out to her brother to give him the heads up, but is unable to reach him.

Then the unthinkable happens, the (half) brother who helped get her out of her depression after her mother's death and who was always there for her, has been accused of attempted murder. When her brother, Oliver's girlfriend is shot, she was convinced that it was Oliver who did it and Oliver is taken into custody and so, Amy is determined to prove his innocence. She has a PI friend she's used for help with her podcasts, but when she's out of town on another case, she's left with the partner, Dean Castillo. She and Dean have had what you can call a prickly business relationship but he's willing to help her out for a price...he is running a business after all.

Soon Amy and Dean are deep into the investigation about Oliver and his past relationships, because they are naturally brought up. Amy starts to see disturbing patterns and signs that she clearly missed over the years and not everything is adding up to what she thought she always knew. And the plot only thickens from there!

This book, was so twisty and so mysterious that I just ate up the pages. While I did have a busy weekend, I ended up finishing it long before Monday arrived and I honestly was not expecting that! Armstrong has always known how to draw her reader in, no matter the genre, and that only continues to remain true with this reader. What started out as simple facts and questions, I soon got so caught up into all the secrets and possible lies popping up and chance encounters that I just kept reading and reading and then I realized I finished it! It was simply unputdownable! It's a mystery so intricately woven that I was mesmerized and had to know all the answers, I was starting to make my own speculations and most of them proved to be right, so it was good to know I was on the right track!

What made this book feel even a little scarier is how realistic it felt. You think you meet the perfect guy and then little things start happening and then they get bigger, and then they get scarier. I really related to Amy and all her cautious traits, as I can be a bit paranoid and overly cautious myself. I appreciated how seriously Amy took things like that. 

The working relationship between Amy and Dean was a delight! Dean comes off as this prickly grump, and while I wouldn't call Amy, Little Miss Sunshine, for that Grumpy/Sunshine vibe, they did like to butt heads more often than not. But this case kind of forced to them to work together and get a better understanding of one another. There are things to be worked out to between these two and all that comes to light as well. This is not a romantic suspense book, so don't worry about that if that's not your thing. There's very little romance between these two other than seeing them bond friendly together with the hint or spark of something maybe being there.

The ending was pretty much how I predicted it, but the whys of it all were another matter. I don't feel like I got the answer I anticipated, but at the same time, I didn't think we could ever really know the whys. Like with most mysteries, sometimes that will forever be the question. So I wasn't disappointed with that. The characters were what really kept me going! I enjoyed Amy and Dean so much! They had a nice camaraderie going. And even some of the other characters, namely suspects or persons of interest were well written too for the parts that they played. 

Needless to say, Known to the Victim kept me on my toes and turning the pages! It was the literal definition of pageturner as I was desperate to know what was going to happen next and I would not be satisfied until I reached the end, which was in itself, very satisfying! Armstrong has once again bespelled me with her magical words even if the story involved no magic whatsoever. She pretty much has a fan for life out of me! If you're a fan of heart-racing thrillers with twisty secrets, then this is the read for you!


Overall Rating 5/5 stars






It's Monday! What Are You Reading?


It's Monday! What Are You Reading? is hosted by Kathryn at Book Date. It's a fun meme where we gather to share what we've read last week and our reading plans for this week.


The Last Two Weeks I Read:

The War of Two Queens by Jennifer L. Armentrout (4.5 stars)



Currently Reading:

Known to the Victim by K.L. Armstrong



What I Plan to Read Next:

Royal Blood by Aimee Carter



Other Posts of Interest:

Let's Discuss: Deluxe vs Standard Editions
Let's Discuss: Deckled Edges
Let's Discuss: Writing Reviews
Top Ten Tuesday
Can't Wait Wednesday
Books from the Backlog #89
Book Blogger Hop #312
2024 Mid Year Book Freak Out
Stacking the Shelves--Two Weeks of Chaos
Challenges Monthly Wrap-up: June