Jul 7, 2024

Stacking the Shelves


Stacking the Shelves is all about sharing the books you are adding to your shelves, may it be physical or virtual. This means you can include books you buy in physical store or online, books you borrow from friends or the library, review books, gifts, and of course ebooks! The meme is now hosted by Reading Reality.


Another week is in the books. It was a mostly uneventful week. Even with the holiday. I decided not to take off on the 5th and save my days for later in the year, hopefully a fall event pops up that warrants a roadtrip! Lol. But I did get to attend my first book signing in over 3 months and it was wonderful! Megan Bannen returned to St. Louis for her latest release so I decided to go and get a signed copy and I ended up running into Carole from Carole's Random Life, along with her daughter! It was fun catching up with her and by a stroke of luck the three of us all won t-shirts that Main Street Books had made for the event! So that was fun! 


Here's what I got this week: 


The Ballad of Never After by Stephanie Garber--another copy you ask? I have yet to buy "backup" editions of the first two books for the Fae Crate alternate covers I received last year. So when I was working to fill an Amazon cart last week I saw this one was marked down to $7 and change so I thought that sounds good to me! Lol. Now I just need a bargain price on OUABH and I'm all set!
The Scent of Salt & Sand by Kristin Cast & P.C. Cast--
I am setting myself up for heartbreak with this series as it remains unfinished. I had idealistically hoped that this novella would maybe smooth the ending over or something but I realize now it won't, but I still want to read it anyway! Lol.
Royal Scandal by Aimee Carter--
hoping to meet her at the end of the month, so as long as nothing prevents her from attending Anderson's YA event! Fingers crossed as I've wanted to meet her since the Goddess Test series!
Children of Ash by Jaye Wells--
still need to read this novella duology but figured I ought to buy this one while I can find it!

The Undermining of Twyla & Frank by Megan Bannen--SIGNED! Plus bookmarks, stickers, and my own key! #IYKYK

Then here is the t-shirt I won! I chose the purple color as I love purple now! Lol. I'm excited to read the book to get the joke behind all the nicknames! It was briefly mentioned in the discussion as it wasn't spoilery, but still looking forward to "getting it!"

And that was it for me this week! Not too bad since 2 are novellas and 2 are novels and one is just a duplicate! Lol. What all did you get this week?

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