Jul 21, 2024

Stacking the Shelves--Peer Pressure Edition


Stacking the Shelves is all about sharing the books you are adding to your shelves, may it be physical or virtual. This means you can include books you buy in physical store or online, books you borrow from friends or the library, review books, gifts, and of course ebooks! The meme is now hosted by Reading Reality.


I'm sitting here on Saturday afternoon, trying to remember what my week was like. It was uneventful to say the least! Lol. Lots of technology failures on Friday, so that wasn't fun. I know there was the whole Microsoft issue but I have no idea if that was at all related to all the failures I hit with my programs and my work programs. It was just a nightmare. And then on top of everything else, I've noticed that my Disqus comment box isn't always appearing on my blog posts! I noticed this with other blogger blogs, but then when I went back later in the day, theirs would be there sometimes. But mine is just not showing and I have NO IDEA what to do! I thought about maybe re-installing it, but when I tried to follow the directions to do so, the website was not giving me the same options as it would a new user. The video instructions at least did not help because when I came to a certain step, I did not have the options the video had so I was ready to scream! I am not a tech savvy person whatsoever. I can try to google the problem and see if I can work with it, but this did not help me at all! But then, when I check a blog post from my phone in it's "mobile reader view" or whatever you want to call it, Disqus is there! It just doesn't want to show when you use a computer. I mean seriously. What the heck?!

If any of you who might be reading this and are of the tech savvy variety and have any tips or possible solutions to this issue and you can't comment because of said issue feel free to send me an email or comment through your cell's mobile view because that works too! My email is up in my review policy tab. ;)


Now onto the goodies! Here's what I got this week:


Merely Mortal by Michelle M. Pillow--an author I get her newsletter from recently recommended this one as being a classic Urban Fantasy, so when B&N had a double stamps sale I added this to my cart asap!
Of Song and Scepter by Liesl West--
I saw this one on Instagram recently (oddly, I thought it was another author with the last name West that I followed, but then I saw it wasn't) and then I read what her book was about, I decided I needed it! And then I saw there was a naked hardcover so I once again ordered it from B&N during their double stamp sale to score extra points! Plus I had 2 gift cards to burn! Had to order these first two separately because apparently their combined weight cast out my free shipping, but separated it was all okay. Weird, but whatever.
A Novel Love Story by Ashley Poston--
SIGNED! Ashley was actually in town this week but I wasn't up to going as I hate driving alone in that area the signing was being held, so I just ordered a signed copy and picked it up at the bookstore. She was just here last year, so this was the only one I needed signed. :)

Then my July Fairy Loot book came in. I wasn't really interested in this book all that much, but have used most of my skips already, so I figured oh well! The cover is actually really pretty compared to the original one, so I might put it in my "maybe someday pile" instead of the "try selling it one day" pile.

(How I miss having my shelves up and arranged with all my books!)

Then I stopped in my favorite indie store this weekend to pick up a book for a Christmas gift for later on, yes, I am already Christmas shopping! Lol. And I saw this bookmark! I saw it somewhere before but didn't buy it but today, I decided what the heck! It made me laugh and I thought you can never have too many bookmarks!

Then I posted this on Instagram Friday night, but thought I'll include it here as well! I saw this at the Dollar Tree and knew I just had to have it because it was TOO PERFECT!

It's a cute Little Fox with an APPLE!! #IYKYK

And that was it for me this week! What all did you get?

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