Jul 18, 2024

Books from the Backlog #92


Books from the Backlog is a fun way to feature some of those neglected books sitting on your bookshelf unread.  If you are anything like me, you might be surprised by some of the unread books hiding in your stacks. This is a fun meme hosted by Carole @ Carole's Random Life in Books.


Riley Blackthorne’s life as a Demon Trapper is about to hit the wall. Knowing she will always be a target for those who want to exploit her “connections” with Hell, she’s learning defensive magic. It seems the only way to ensure she and her fiancé, Denver Beck, have a future together. But not everyone in Atlanta, or at the Vatican, is pleased by this news. In fact, some want to ban the use of all magic, and Riley would make the perfect scapegoat. As a new demonic enemy stalks her, Guild politics roil the city, throwing the trappers into chaos. To protect herself and the man she loves, Riley will be forced to continue in her legendary father’s footsteps, or carve her own path. A path that may well lead to her losing everything she so desperately seeks to protect.





It's been soooooooo long since I've read this series but I remembered adoring it! I guess the publishers only had a 4 book deal with Jana as I remember the last 3 books I think were published elsewhere. Mind Games by Jana Oliver made it to my TBR pile in November of 2015. It continues Riley's story in a world riddled with demons and she was the daughter of a demon trapper--if you couldn't already tell! Lol. I loved her and I loved Denver Beck! But man, it's been sooooo long, I really can't remember the storyline that much. This one was published in 2015 and as I referred to Goodreads for the list I just saw ANOTHER ONE was published in 2021! Where the heck have I been?!!! So needless to say I need to get back to this series and possibly reread books 1-4. The last full length book was out in 2012 with a novella in 2013 and THEN this one came out in 2015 with the next one in 2017! So the longer wait between books might have messed me up and how I missed the one from 3 years ago is another thing entirely! And all my books are in storage so it's gonna be a nightmare looking for them! Lol.

I gotta find me a house so I can move all those books into it instead of playing dive into the storage unit every time I need a book!







  1. Thank you, Jessica! You made me so happy. Congrats again on 11 years!

  2. I'm so curious about Where Dreams Descend! I can't wait to check that one out and I'm looking forward to your review!

  3. I'm actually struggling with it a bit. It's moving a little too slow for me. :(

  4. I am shocked to see Caraval as your number one pick. *wink, wink* I loved Illumniae too. Such a fabulous and creative book.

  5. I really need to read Slayer! I'm not sure what's taking me so long. I've also seen Crave a lot lately so I'm excited you enjoyed it!

  6. i've read heartless and saw slayer on another site. looks like a good one

    sherry @

  7. Slayer has been on so many lists this week!

    My TTT .

  8. You know I read Nocturne years and years ago. You reminded me how much I enjoyed it. Wonderful list!

  9. That's a very intriguing teaser. Here's mine: https://www.bookclublibrarian.com/2020/03/first-chapter-first-paragraph-and.html

  10. I love Slayer- great title. :) And Stray too!

  11. I can't believe I still haven't started this series. I'm hoping to get it done this year though

    Here is my CWW: https://fangirlpixieblog.com/2020/03/04/cant-wait-wednesday-9/

  12. I have the ARC of the first one sitting waiting to be read. I've got to get it read! Love this author! Great pick!

    Check out my Wednesday post

  13. I love Tahereh Mafi's Shatter Me series and was excited to try her other books. I tried Futhermore and just couldn't get into it at all. Another thing I hate is when I love the beginning of a series and then as there are more books I like it less. That happened with a few authors. Charlaine Harris being one.

  14. I have a very small list of favorite authors, and I don't usually call them a favorite unless I've read multiple books by them (i.e. Red Rising is one of my all time favorite series, but I have a hard time calling Pierce a fave author because it's the ONLY thing I've ever read of his, and sometimes an author's works are hit or miss for me depending on genre/setting). But, I have actually been disappointed by a favorite! I was so unimpressed with Soul of the Sword when I read it that I didn't even review it. I've loved everything Julie has ever written, so I thought there was something wrong with me! I did enjoy it more the second time, and Night of the Dragon was amazing and more than made up for it, but it was still really weird to not love something of hers because she is definitely a favorite author!

  15. I've not started this series but I've heard great things and I do think the covers are awesome!

  16. Yeah, I'll admit I've struggled with this series of Julie. I still loooove all of her other books. For some reason this one has just been a challenge for me. About halfway through Night of the Dragon and liking it though. This series has pretty much gotten middle level stars from me.

  17. I didn’t realize she had a new book coming out. I need to add it to my wishlist. It sounds so good!

    My CWW

  18. I didn't even pick up Tahereh's other books because I could tell from their descriptions they weren't for me. Yeah...Charlaine's Southern Vampire Mystery turned Sookie Stackhouse series was one of those for me. I kept reading them though out of a devotion I had for the series. For me, they just lost their mystery element. The story used to be driven by a murder of some kind or something that would give it its "mystery" label. I still want to read the rest of her Midnight Texas series. I read the first book and liked it, and I am also curious about her new series but told myself I had to finish Midnight before I could even think about buying the first book! Lol.

  19. Awesome cover!! I really need to read the second book in the series! I really loved the first book!

    Here’s my WoW!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog

  20. I haven't figured out if it's my mood or something else either. I know that when I loved the author's previous books, I hope to love everything they write. Yet when I feel the story dragging, and I start thinking about all the other books in my TBR pile that I hand selected and put there, I can't help but just want to throw in the towel instead of sticking it out.

  21. I love Kagawa and have been wanting to start this series. I hope it ends well for you

  22. This has happened to me several times. When I DNF a book by a former favorite author, it usually seems to mean they've gone in a direction I don't want to follow any more. Generally I stop reading them altogether, which is very sad when I formerly was so excited by each new release. It seems strange that an author I loved could change so much ... but authors are human beings, and that happens.

  23. Yes, I often lose interest in a series as it goes on.

  24. speed traps in 1905? what was the speed limit? lol


  25. This has happened to me a few times. I am not sure if it was the book or my mood, though. I adored Every Day and Another Day, but I DNFed the 3rd book.

  26. I didn't realize that you actually can't sink in quicksand. I agree that those small movements might not be so easy to remember when you're actually stuck!

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

  27. Vampires...I've been a fan of them since the late 80s-early 90s. What is it about them?! This book sounds great! :) Thanks for sharing!

    My BBH

  28. Great haul! I can't wait to listen to my audio copy of House of Earth and Blood. I'm also hoping to get Night of the Dragon soon!

  29. Wishing you the best of luck with your job hunting, hope you hear something soon!


  30. That SJM book scares me. It's ginormous! I am hearing good things, though. I am crossing my fingers and toes for you. I have to get motivated myself to put out external apps. I hate the whole process, but my commute and schedule change are killing me.

  31. i am sooooo jealous of your sarah mass bounty. wishing you luck with the interview. the perfect job is just waiting for you to find it. :-)

    sherry @

  32. Nice haul this week! I am send lots of positive thoughts your way. I really do hope you get that job! I am loving the deluxe Caraval editions!

  33. "Well it was another week" perfectly sums up my life for the last few months! XD My fingers are crossed that you get the job! That Caraval set is gorgeous!

  34. Love seeing your Caraval collection, Jessica!! Those editions look so beautiful!

    czai @ the Blacksheep Reader

  35. just looking at the covers makes me think you have a nice variety. hope you enjoy them all

    sherry @

  36. Sorry you had a DNF. The Julie Kagawa book looks great. Thanks for visiting my blog. Happy reading!

  37. I just finished my ARC as well so my review will be coming soon. I love this series so much and I really hope it will continue. :)

  38. You forgot Hercules and 101 Dalmatians! haha I'm sure I remember an Aladdin/Hercules crossover episode too? I used to love the Little Mermaid series, I always wanted to know more about the sisters :)

  39. Ah! I don't think I remember those! Now I want to watch them too! Lol. Disney+ needs to get on top of getting all these series! I know they have Tangled and The Little Mermaid. They don't have Aladdin. Need to double check on these other ones but I somehow doubt they have them. Which 90% of the reason I subscribed was to get these series! Lol.

  40. I don't really follow any authors, but since their tweets are so popular, I often see ones from Kristoff and Kaufman. I am not surprised by how witty and fun they are, because that's how they are in person too.

  41. Jay Kristoff seems like a cool person to follow for sure.

    My TTT .

  42. 'funny' you mention roth. i just binge watched her divergent series...

    sherry @

  43. I've really only read some of #9 & 10's tweets, but they have been fun to read.

  44. Ha love that quote! How fun. :)

    I should follow Maureen Johnson, seems like she'd be fun.

  45. Maureen Johnson has been on a ton of lists today. I enjoy her books, but I don't follow her (or many authors at all, really) on social media. Maybe I'm missing out??

    Happy TTT!


  46. I haven't picked up the continuation of this series yet, but need to since I loved the first one so much. Great pick!

    Check out my Wednesday post for Lisa Loves Literature

  47. JLA is on my list, and Maureen Johnson would have been back when I was on Twitter all the time. Great list!

    Lisa Loves Literature's TTT

  48. This series is still going? I haven't kept up with the latest. I hope you enjoy reading this one, Jessica.

    My WoW

  49. Yeah, two years ago Tahereh decided to extend the series, so there was a bit of a gap between books 3 and 4. This might be the final end though. Although that was said of Ignite Me, so we'll see! Lol.

  50. I haven't read this series yet but it gets a lot of love! I hope this (second) conclusion is a good one!

  51. I would love to catch up with this series. It sounds so good!

    My CWW

  52. I think I am a book behind, but I definitely want to read this one. I am a fan of the series.

  53. I still need to read this series, but this looks awesome! Great pick!

    Here’s my WoW!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog

  54. I still have yet to read this series, but I know I should. I hope this one meets your expectations!

  55. i never thought bubble wrap was that old either. i wonder why it took so long to be a commonplace packing material

    sherry @

  56. When I get an idea I "try" to remember to write it down. Doesn't always happen. :)

  57. i write my ideas down in a small binder and sometimes i create a draft. it doesn't mean i'll ever use them, but i am wanting to add things other than reviews and tours


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  59. It's amazing to me how crazy the entire country seems to be going right now!
    I hope you're able to get all you need from the store! I know it can be challenging right now.

    And on top of the Corona virus, I know this week has been stressful for a LOT of people. I hope you have a better week coming up!

    Christine @ Captivated Reading

  60. I have a feeling companies may be putting the freeze on hiring right now. A lot is up in the air, and many are feeling the pinch with less people going places, and other having to shut down all together. Let's just hope this is the storm before the rainbow

  61. Try smaller grocers for TP and things, it worked for us. Everyone was raiding Walmart and Aldis and we went to another place that was smaller and they had everything...lol. This raid on TP is crazy...lol.

  62. Things are crazy around here right now. My husband was able to pick up milk and a few other things but I don't even want to step into a store right now. That is too bad about the Disney key. Maybe you can find one for sale somewhere at a later date.

    I do hope something happens on the job front for you soon but I think that companies are being hit hard by this pandemic which might make things harder.

    I hope you have a great week!

  63. What's funny is I did interview with a company that sells these cleaning supplies like hand sanitizers for companies! So they're doing good at a time like this. Lol. So that would be a nice change of pace of work for me! They were still doing interviews this past week, so I'm realllllly hoping they liked me enough and will let me know this week! *Fingers crossed*

  64. That sounds really promising! I bet they are really busy right now. I do hope you hear something soon!

  65. I'm hoping I have enough tp now! I haven't had to go out yet and now I don't really want to add to the panic. I guess some are going to get a lesson in making things stretch!
    Those Disney keys are pretty awesome but wow, that's pricey for dolls!
    Stay safe and happy reading! :)

  66. Hope you're able to ge the supplies you need. Toilet paper AND ice cream---all the essentials. LOL!

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

  67. Hope you're staying well in these crazy times! I have a feeling you'll soon be able to get the groceries you need though, after all there's no natural disaster or anything preventing deliveries from running and when I went to my local supermarket today most shelves were already restocked. I did hear that Friday and Saturday were insane, but the cashier I talked to said that folks are starting to calm now and in a couple days are probably going to start feeling pretty silly when supply comes back.

  68. I used to do Top Ten Tuesdays and Waiting on Wednesdays but I'd ran out of books to talk about lol. I still do Book blogger hop too though.

  69. As well as book reviews and giveaways, I do recipes, sustainability, product reviews and lifestyle

  70. Still on the fence about starting the new SJM. It's so big!!!

  71. SERPENT & DOVE, SORCERY OF THORNS, and HOUSE OF EARTH AND BLOOD are all on my TBR list! I hope you enjoy your books!

    My TTT

  72. I've added Dead Girls Are Easy to my TBR. Good list!

    Here is our Top Ten Tuesday.

  73. Great list! I need to cross Serpent & Dove off my TBR. Happy reading!

  74. Some of my favorites are on this list! I LOVED Serpent & Dove, Sorcery of Thorns, and Ash Princess! I hope you get to read them all!

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  76. You have to love a twisted fairy tale! Great pick.

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  78. Ooh, another retelling! I hope you enjoy reading this, Jessica!

    Stay safe!

    Thanks for stopping by My WoW earlier.

  79. I really need to pick up these Twisted Fairy Tales series! They sound so good! Great pick!

    Here’s my WoW!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog

  80. I just read about this one on another WOW. I love alternate type retellings, and it is a lot to think about. How would the prince and cinderella's lives be different, if she didn't try on the shoe? I am interested in finding out

  81. I need to catch up on this series as I do like these Disney twists. I hope you enjoy it!

  82. I own like two of these but still haven't read a single one!

  83. I needed a retelling suggestion because it's been so long since i read one! I will check this one out!
    Here's my WOW

  84. This sounds really good! I was all sad when I read the beginning of the blurb because the idea a Cinderella who doesn't get her chance to prove she's the one with the slipper is just so very wrong, lol. But then I continued reading and I gotta say I like the concept!

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  86. thanks for sharing. always enjoy this post

    sherry @

  87. I'm not a huge Cinderella fan but I like that this is like Cinderella re-imagined. :)
    Hope you enjoy it!

  88. Nice feature! I didn't thought of that!

    Have a nice week!

  89. Great idea, I didn't even think of that one! :)

  90. That would be a great feature! I've gotten more careful to not agree to review books that are not the first in a series because I've been lost a couple times! LOL

  91. At least you are winning at book stuff. I love the cover of Hunted by the Sky. Hope it's a hit for you. Stay safe!!

  92. I haven't heard from my boss but right now I am planning on going to work tomorrow. I do work in a tiny office with a lot of space so I don't have to be near anyone but I expect it to be very slow. I have a hard time with slow days. I do wish that they would make it so that everyone, or close to everyone, can just stay home for a bit. I loved this month's Owlcrate! Have a great week and stay safe, Jessica!

  93. Really hoping you stay safe and healthy right now! My husband also has to go to work and I'm hoping he gets to try to work from home soon.

    Everything is just so crazy right now!

    Christine @ Captivated Reading

  94. Ohhhhhh, this is a GREAT idea! Love this! I ALWAYS forget what's happened in the other books in the series! Brilliant!

    Christine @ Captivated Reading

  95. Hopefully, you can stay far enough away from coworkers for it not to harm you. Stay safe and happy reading!

    Week in Review

  96. I really need to jump on the Jennifer Estep wagon. I have some of her books on my tbr and really want to read them, but never do. Oh and that cover for Hunted by the Sky is stunning! Sounds interesting too. Hope you enjoy all your new goodies!

  97. I'm excited to read Crush the King! Hope to get to it soon! And I've never read the Hollows series, but I'm quite intrigued by American Demon :)

  98. Hope you stay healthy! What field do you work in? (It just occured to me now that I don't actually know!)

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

  99. some great covers and american demon really caught my eye


  100. I'm in the office of Brinks, so all the guards are the ones going out to all the customers while I'm in the building with the other office staff.

  101. Ooh, was hoping for a slightly higher rating, but it still sounds good! I'm planning on reading this soon, that ending sounds exciting!

  102. Also, I didn't realize I wasn't following you before, but I am now. :)

  103. Great list! I'd really like to read Blood and Chocolate, and I'd like to give Kelley Armstrong and Kim Harrison's work a try, too.

  104. I used to read a lot of paranormals, but I have not read any of these. You must be happy to see vamps making a comeback, no?

  105. I enjoyed the Stray series quite a bit.

    My TTT .

  106. Nice list. Was never much into this genre, but I have a read some really good ones. Maybe it's time for me to check more out.


  107. I still liked this one, but yeah, reading it on my kindle was a bad idea! Lol!

  108. My list this week would be considered "old school" paranormal as well. I was really into vampires for a long time! Here is my Top Ten Tuesday.

  109. My struggle was not being able to access the glossary in back as easily on my kindle. Plus it was the ARC, so it didn't really let me do that anyway. But I believe if I had read it in book form, I'd likely give it 4 stars because I'd be able to jump to the glossary easily whenever I wanted.

  110. What? No Twilight? LOL. I love that you included The Vampire Diaries, though.

  111. Honestly, I would say yes. It's been 5 years since I last read what was the final book of the series. There's a bit of a recap going on in the beginning, highlighting main points. But then again, there will be spoilers and sorts. There's mentions of characters who aren't there that you meet in the early books.

    So if you're committed, I'd say start way at the beginning! This isn't really a series where each book can standalone. I mean, there is one main storyline for each book, but all the little plot points are what carry on over the series, it would be in best interest to start at the beginning.

  112. I actually can't think of a specific example, but I know I've definitely been disappointed with a book by a favorite author. It's so sad!!

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

  113. I loved Amelia Atwater-Rhodes first series. And also loved the Vampire Diaries books, not so much the show. Great list!

    Here is my Top 10

  114. I like what I've read of Rachel Vincent!

  115. I've never watched any of the Disney Series. Might have to check one out right now while I have Disney+

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

  116. I love the Alice world! So I'm looking forward to this too.

  117. Novellas are hit or miss for me, but Alice has such a wonderful world to explore. I hope Henry does it well

  118. I won a copy of American Dream, but I haven't read the previous series. Do I need to before starting this one, or they can be read independently? It sounds amazing either way, and I don't mind starting from the beginning!

    Lindsi @ Do You Dog-ear? 💬

  119. Bummer some of the terminology tripped you up! I love Kagawa, and I've really enjoyed this series so far. I'm starting this one next, so I'm little anxious after reading your review. THE ENDING after the last book was WOW, so.

    Lindsi @ Do You Dog-ear? 💬

  120. I need to read this original series first but I'm super excited about this one as well.

  121. I haven't read a novella series in a while but this sounds like it will be really good. Enjoy.

    My CWW

  122. I miss Owlcrate and love that blue box!
    Working with that many people would definitely give me anxiety right now! Stay safe!
    Enjoy your new reads! :)

    Stacy Renee | Lazy Day Literature

  123. This is a series I really need to get to. I like novellas to either get me intrigued for a series, or to fill in when I love a series and need more. Thanks for sharing!

    Check out my Wednesday post

  124. Oooh! I loved Alice too! Can't wait to read more of Christina Henry's works!

    Here’s my WoW!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog

  125. Awww I love the little salamander! What a cutie!

  126. I hate it when a bookcase has a shelf that cannot be moved! I have 2 bookcases like that myself and it seems like that immovable shelf is not in a spot where I would want it if I could choose. I have one shelf that has a really short paperback shelf right in the middle and the other has a shelf perfect for trade paperbacks. I like your solution as well. I am convinced that the designers of shelves like these are not readers!

  127. That edition of A Court of Thorns and Roses is gorgeous! Sorry that you couldn't get it signed, but maybe when all this craziness is over, they might reimburse you or still find a way to make it happen. Glad to hear you're safe and well, despite the circumstances!

  128. How rude! I think you should have received a discount or something since the book was not signed. Maybe they will send a bookplate? Stay safe (and sane)!

  129. I am really surprised by how many companies are staying open. I think that everyone believes that they are essential. I could have easily handled a lighter workload at home even without the software I have at the office but we really got quite a few orders at least at the beginning of the week. Things did slow down by the end of the week so I have no idea what next week will look like. I have a co-worker home sick as well. I hope that next week is less stressful for you, Jessica!

  130. The hardly any traffic thing is what keeps getting to me! We live close to a usually busy street, and it's SO quiet here these days. It's really weird.
    I hope you'll be able to stay safe and healthy, Jessica. Sending hugs and good vibes your way.

  131. Ooooh, that collector's edition is gorgeous but I can understand the disappointment. :(
    Hurray for surviving another week! All businesses should be undertaking extra sanitation measures right now if they can. A lot of my family is considered essential and we're all just hoping it doesn't make it home to our elderly or little ones! It's definitely stressful times right now.
    Have a great week and stay safe! :)

  132. I'm sorry you weren't able to get ACOTAR signed. That is a bummer. :( I really hope you can stay safe and healthy even with everything going on!

  133. I think it's really interesting that you own books in languages you can't read just for their pretty covers.

    Here is our Top Ten Tuesday.

  134. I admit that I have books stashed all over the place. It takes a book ADDICT to own international copies they can't read! WOW 😂

    Here's my list : https://lectrice-vorace.blogspot.com/2020/03/ten-signs-youre-book-lover.html

  135. Well I don't own 44 bookshelves, but I have one book shelf that runs the length of one of side of my garage from floor to ceiling. https://pmprescott.blogspot.com/2020/03/ttt-033120.html

  136. I really do have books everywhere and stacks of them too 😆 Also 44 book sleeves is total goals! If only shipping wasn't so expensive out here (and if only it also didn't take forever) I would definitely get more. Great list!

  137. I definitely always leave my house with a book!
    My TTT: https://jjbookblog.wordpress.com/2020/03/31/top-ten-tuesday-257/

  138. I have multiple copies of certain books, but it's rarely because I buy them on purpose! Usually, I buy a book that looks good forgetting that I already bought it. LOL.

    Happy TTT!


  139. Oddly, that's only happened to me once or twice! Every other time was deliberate! LOL!

  140. Sorry that ACOTAR came unsigned---I agree that you should have been able to cancel the order. Hopefully they will have some way for you to get it signed in the future.

  141. You definitely display your book love more than me. I tend to be more covert, but my love is big. The one thing we share is always having a book on us. You never know, when you can steal a few moments to read.

  142. Yes to always having a book one me, stashing books everywhere and always asking for books/giftcards (for books) for holidays and birthdays! :)

  143. Yes! I really liked the first one. Can't wait to read this one!

  144. Oooh! I'm really excited for this book too! Great pick!

    Here’s my WoW!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog

  145. Yes, yes, yes! I am eager to find out what happened, because I was in tears at the end of the last book

  146. This cover is stunning and in fact, it was when I saw it debut was when I ordered a physical copy of the first one to read. At least the wait won't be much longer.

  147. I still need to finish their other series! I loved the first one, so I know I'll like them all.

  148. I haven't yet read the first book either, but I want to. I hope you love this one when you get to it, Jessica. Stay safe and well.

  149. i have more friends and family on my phone than bookssherry

  150. Ooh, going on the TBR!! It sounded interesting, but I'm relieved it was a slow-burn romance and that you enjoyed it!

  151. Wow, almost halfway on the Discussion Challenge already! Very impressive!

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

  152. Yep, life is pretty surreal right now. You have a secure job so there's that at least, but do stay safe and well, Jessica! I loved Night of the Dragon, that's a keeper copy book for sure!

  153. My market just started doing the line up thing. I was lucky though, because the day I went was a rather lovely spring day. I probably would have left it was raining. Nice haul. I hope you are able to enjoy your new books, and stay safe!

  154. Look on Youtube for some tips on making a mask that you don't have to sew! I have seen some from bandanas and rubber bands.

    Stay safe and happy reading!

  155. This sounds interesting. I'm so glad I'm not the only one who doesn't know a lot about the beloved comic books. LOL!

  156. Ooh I need to check some of these out on Goodreads! Hope you enjoy!!

  157. I wish I could take beautiful pictures of books, I love the ones I see on IG. I've got more photos of family and friends on my phone than books. ;-)
    I hope you enjoy the rest of your week, stay safe and healthy.
    Here's my BBH Post
    Flora x

  158. Ooooo have you read From Blood & Ash yet? So loved that one.

  159. There are still a lot of companies working. I have been surprised by how many of the businesses I deal with are still open. I am working in the office some and at home some. I hate that you have to be around so many people every day.

    It looks like you got some nice new reads. I hope you have a great week and stay safe!

  160. All The Stars and Teeth has a gorgeous cover! I definitely have to read it at some point.
    My TTT: https://jjbookblog.wordpress.com/2020/04/07/top-ten-tuesday-258/

  161. All the Stars and Teeth has a beautiful cover. But that title!

  162. Great list! I'd really like to give The Immortal Rules a try.

  163. Covers really influence me. I don't buy a ton of books, but I have definitely read many because of the cover.

  164. Reign of Shadows and The Immortal Rules- I love both of those covers! I can totally see buying those based on their covers!

  165. Oooh! Beautiful covers! I really want to read All the Stars and Teeth!

    Here’s my TTT!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog

  166. Caraval is one series that I would like to read, it sounds so good! Finale sounds so good too.

    My CWW

  167. wow... you are a true collector. i would love to be a fly on the wall at your house so i could check it out

    sherry @

  168. I haven't read any of this series. How exciting to have editions in another language! I love that cover, too.

    My WoW

  169. I love that Reign of Shadows cover. It catches my eye every time I see it.

  170. So, can I just say that when I saw the title of your post in my email, I was like, wait, what? No! You can't quit blogging! So glad it was just the title of the book. Whew! I need to read these books. Great pick!

    Check out my Wednesday post

  171. Haven't you ever watched Monty Python? Killer rabbits! Who knew?

  172. Excellent review! This book has everything I love about reading--great characters, romance, and page-turning plot.

  173. This book sounds like it will demand not to be put down while reading. And after reading your review, I know that it lives up to the hype.

  174. Looking for a book that drags me in and is a great read to the end.


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