Jul 26, 2024

Book Blogger Hop #316


This meme is hosted by Billy at Ramblings of a Coffee Addict!
This week's question is: Do you have a favorite novel that captures the enchantment of summer nights or has unforgettable moments set under the stars? (submitted by Billy @ Coffee Addicted Writer

MY ANSWER: Well...the first book that came to mind was a book that was set in summer...and things that happen at night. Whether the stars were out or not wasn't really mentioned!

In Nightfall by Suzanne Young is about a brother and sister who are spending their summer in the small town of Nightfall where "things" happen at night when the teens run wild! It was a spooky read and I LOVED IT! I believe Suzanne mentioned it was optioned for film...whether it was a movie or TV show I can't remember but I am hopeful since I remember Suzanne's tragic story behind her release night signing. I hate living in a state that's far from all the authors I adore because I would've been at the signing even though this was pretty much my first book I've read by her! It had an intriguing story that grabbed my attention so I of course immediately ordered a signed copy from her store since I was literally planning to go to B&N that weekend! Lol.

But yes. Summer story. Summer nights. Scary a$$ small town with its secrets!

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