Jul 9, 2024

Teaser & Top Ten Tuesdays


Teaser Tuesday is a weekly feature hosted by Purple Princess of The Purple Booker

Here are the rules:

1. Grab your current read
2. Open to a page
3. Pick out 2 lines that are SPOILER FREE
4. Name the title, author, etc.


Okay, so I finished this one already but hadn't started my next one by the time I wrote this post! Plus I found a teaser I really liked so I decided to share it anyway!


"'If you would not allow another person to treat you so cruelly, why then do you do it to yourself? Be kind to yourself and mirror that kindness in your thoughts. After all, your thoughts are with you always. Change them, and you change your world.'" p 42








TITLE: Scarlet Rain
AUTHOR: Kristin Cast

PUBLISHER: Diversion Books
GENRE: Urban Fantasy
RELEASE DATE: May 17, 2016

Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and The Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together. 

This week's topic is: THROWBACK FREEBIE: Top Ten Series I'd Like to Catch Up On

*in no particular order

10. VILLAINS by Serena Valentino--I still need to read the evil stepmother's story and then there's 2 more books til this month's release comes out. So I'm almost 4 books behind! Eek!
9. THE DEMON TRAPPERS by Jana Oliver--
oh I fell so behind in this one when the publisher didn't pick up the rest! AND I learned there was one more book to the series than what I have in my TBR, so I am hoping it's still available or I will SCREAM!
8. THE TWIXT by Dawn Metcalf--
this was a fun series I read sooo very long ago that I can't really remember much about it now. I think I was halfway through the 4 book series so I may need to do a reread of the first two before I can pick up the third one!

7. MIDNIGHT TEXAS by Charlaine Harris--fell so behind in her books. I haven't even picked up her latest series yet!
6. GUILD HUNTERS by Nalini Singh--
so, so very behind in this series, this is book 7 which is one I need to read and then there are 16 books to date...all in my TBR pile waiting.
5. THE OTHERS by Christine Warren--
this is a series that luckily can be read in any order as it follows different characters. It's been a bit up and down for me but I'd still like to finish it as the ups were pretty good!

4. STARCROSSED by Josephine Angelini--I got to be on the ARC team for the first book of the revival part of the series, but by the time the second one came out, I felt overwhelmed with something or other, so I took myself off the team as I felt like I couldn't devote myself to the time that it warranted. I still want to finish the series though!
3. ENTANGLED WITH FAE by Tessonja Odette--
another delightful series that can be read in any order since each tale is its own retelling! I did recently read another addition of the series so I am one step closer to being caught up...with this series. Still have 2 other completed trilogies of hers to read, plus the start to a new one and a novella!
2. PSYCHIC EYE by Victoria Laurie--
one of my favorite OG series I read! I think it might still be ongoing as I know she just recently revived her other series and I believe closed out another that I STILL need to start, but yes, I think it might be this one that helps to start off her other spinoff series. There was one that did it, but I can't recall and that's partially why I held off starting that other one! Lol. Or so I tell myself.

1. TWISTED TALE by multiple authors--I'm all over the place with this series! Basically it's a lot of Disney movies that get retold if one thing went differently! I have decided to pick and choose the books based on how much I enjoyed the movie...or the author. Otherwise I would be really overwhelmed with how behind I am! Lol.

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