Jul 30, 2024

Teaser & Top Ten Tuesdays


Teaser Tuesday is a weekly feature hosted by Purple Princess of The Purple Booker

Here are the rules:

1. Grab your current read
2. Open to a page
3. Pick out 2 lines that are SPOILER FREE
4. Name the title, author, etc.


"The carelessness, the disregard for my body, for my life. It's robbed me of my strength, my resolve. I let my eyes close without the faith I'll open them again." p 12








TITLE: Such Sharp Teeth
AUTHOR: Rachel Harrison

Paranormal Mystery
RELEASE DATE: October 4, 2022


Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and The Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together. 

This week's topic is: Top Ten Books I Wish Had "More" in Them

*in no particular order
**I belated realized I didn't pick an exact theme of more for this one. I just basically chose 10 books and said what I wanted more of! Lol.
***also to note, despite my wanting "more" from these books, I still gave them all fairly good ratings. I can't remember if any of them fell below 3 stars but pretty sure they were all 3 & above!

10. WHERE ECHOES LIE by Shannon Schuren--I remember wanting this one to be more spooky.
9. OUR CROOKED HEARTS by Melissa Albert--
I think I wanted more spookiness out of this one too. I knew it wasn't going to be a horror fest, but something a little more creepy would've be nice!
8. SHATTERED SOULS by Mary Lindsey--
I think this one I needed just more from. More depth, more ghosts as ghosts were involved and maybe a little more world-building.

7. THE HAUNTED by Danielle Vega--I think I wanted more details about the haunting and the history of the ghost story. I felt like there wasn't enough detail about that one.
6. THE BROKEN GIRLS by Simone St. James--
more ghosts! Yes, there's a haunting but I felt like it needed more ghostly encounters.
5. HORROR HOTEL by Victoria Fulton & Faith McClaren--
I wanted more details about the mystery that happened in the past at this hotel that led to the teens investigating. I felt like there wasn't a lot of detail to that.

4. THE HAUNTING OF MADDY CLARE by Simone St. James--more jump scares! I feel like this one had the right amount of ghost business, but I wanted to have a few more jump scares when I was reading. I know, me! She who does not like to be scared! Lol.
3. BLOODWITCH by Susan Dennard--
more kissing! Lol. I feel like this one needed a few more kisses!
2. CRUSH THE KING by Jennifer Estep--
I felt like this one needed a few more kisses too! Being the final book of the trilogy I felt like an extra kiss or two was warranted.

1. A CURSE FOR TRUE LOVE by Stephanie Garber--definitely needed a little more of Jacks. This was the final book of the trilogy and I just felt like we didn't get enough of Jacks on the page. Still a fabulous read though!

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