Jul 12, 2024

Book Blogger Hop #314


This meme is hosted by Billy at Ramblings of a Coffee Addict!
This week's question is: July is the month for reading by the pool or on the beach. What's your favorite summer beach book, and why is it suitable for a sunny day? (submitted by Billy @ Coffee Addicted Writer

MY ANSWER: I've never been a seasonal reader. Like what's the best book for summer? Or what's the best book for a rainy day? I usually just read whatever has been calling my name from the TBR pile! At times I try to do a theme, like in October I strive to read spooky or creepy books but sometimes other books can get in the way if I am prepping for an event or am re-reading a beloved author's books in anticipation for her next release! Lol.
But if I were to pick a summer read perfect for waterside reading I would of course go with Jaws by Peter Benchley, ironically! I would be protesting profoundly about going to a beach in general, but if I was forced to go and if I wasn't in the midst of a particular kind of read, then yes, I'd be that reader as far from the water as possible with my cover of Jaws staring pointedly at all the bathers. 

I'm actually kind of tempted to buy this new 50th Anniversary edition! I have what almost feels like a random cover on one of the various reprints as it looks nothing like the OG cover nor does it look anything like the movie posters! But yes, this book/movie right here is why I'll never go in the water!

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