Jul 23, 2024

Top Ten Tuesday

I decided to skip the teaser this week as by the time I sat down to write my Tuesday post, I hadn't started my current book yet and to avoid seeing spoilers myself, I decided it best to skip this for the week.

Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and The Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together. 

This week's topic is: Top Ten Debut Novels I Enjoyed

*in no particular order

10. TEMPEST RISING by Nicole Peeler--this was another fun classic Urban Fantasy series that took on selkies in a different way! There were other supernatural creatures around too! It was a fun little mystery series that I greatly enjoyed! Sadly, it was really the only one Peeler wrote. She did have another book I still need to read, Goodreads showed it as a series but sadly it was only ever 1 book.
9. SERPENT & DOVE by Shelby Mahurin--
this was one I received via Fairy Loot and it sounded intriguing enough that I kept it and loooooved it!
8. SOME GIRLS BITE by Chloe Neill--
another classic Urban Fantasy series I picked up when I was looking for something a little more edgy and less lovey dovey. This series was spectacular! I could not get enough of it! Loved its spinoff too!

7. STRAY by Rachel Vincent--I can still remember finding this one on the shelf at Borders. It was because of some of my favorite Urban Fantasy author's praise on the cover that led me to give it a try. It was shelved in romance so I worried it would be more romance than action, but this is another classic Urban Fantasy one!
6. THE IRON KING by Julie Kagawa--
I'm a little sad that Julie hasn't written anything since wrapping up Puck's part of the story with this series. I remember wayyy long ago, I won this one in a contest from the then Harlequin Teen! And it was amazing!! It pretty much made me a lifelong fan of Julie's!
5. BITTEN by Kelley Armstrong--
another one I was hesitant to try because the cover gave me romance vibes but it's one of those times I love being wrong as this was another amazing Urban Fantasy series from one of the founding authors! Kelley has written sooo many books since then and I will be forever behind!

4. OLD MAGIC by Marianne Curley--one of my favorite books ever! This was time travel and magic and a dash of romance! It was perfect!
3. HALFWAY TO THE GRAVE by Jeaniene Frost--
I honestly can't remember if this cover had any praise from my favorite authors when I stumbled upon this one. The cover was soooo amazing that I just had to give it a try! I knew it was in the romance section and that it was Avon, so I took a big risk in thinking it might be something I'd enjoy, but I was right! I LOVED IT!
2. POISON STUDY by Maria V. Snyder--
before we had Romantasy we had Fantasy with a dash of Romance! Lol. Yes, Maria is one of the original Romantasy authors before whoever it was decided to coin this "new" genre! I can still remember silly Amazon recommending me Maria's second book a few months before it came out and I was like ooh, that sounds good...but then a quick search showed me she had one out NOW (at that time)! So I immediately bought a copy (at Borders) and pretty much loved it right away!

And you all know what's coming, right?


1. CARAVAL by Stephanie Garber--and you all pretty much know I was sold on this one from the moment I read it! It was everything!

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