Jul 17, 2024

Let's Discuss: Favorite Type of Book


So as you all may know, I vastly prefer reading physical books to ebooks. I still read those on occasion when it's warranted. I am just slower to get to them and actually slower to read them too! That was a different discussion post! Lol.

Favorite Type of Book

I think when it comes down to the physical book choices; hardcover, mass market paperback, and trade paperback, my favorite one to read is the mass market paperback! I mean truly, I love reading them all, but I guess because my "days" of reading started mostly with the mass market ones! These were the cute small paperbacks you can easily stick in a purse if you bought a big enough one! Lol.

I think that's partially why they are my favorite. Their size is easy to accommodate! It's also easier to hold when reading in bed! I do still use a reading pillow to prop up my arms and what not. That thing is a lifesaver too! It's really useful when I read the hardcovers which can be heavier to handle.

But yes, while I will always love reading a physical book, I think the mass market is my favorite when it comes to the actual reading part of it all! They are portable, lightweight and more manageable.


What about you? When it comes to physical book reading, which is your preference? Just one that stands out as a little better to read with for whatever reason?






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