Nov 6, 2013

Review--Focus by Alyssa Rose Ivy

Freshman year of college is hard even when you're not tied to the future king of a supernatural society.

Allie dives into college head first with Hailey as her roommate and the city of New Orleans as her backyard. As things within The Society heat up, Allie realizes that whether she’s with Levi or not, she's in far too deep to turn back.

I was completely blown away with Alyssa Rose Ivy's Flight when I read that one sometime ago, so I decided I had to continue to trilogy and boy did I love Focus!! Focus takes us back to New Orleans where Allie is starting her freshman year of college, but besides having the normal freshman issues, she gets the added paranormal dilemma to top it off.

Allie is still a bit p'oed with Levi and rightly so. After having accepting his ring and having sex one night she ended up saying yes to a decision she didn't know she was accepting. And that is being Levi's mate. Levi is to take over his father's position as being a ruler and the Pterons--the owl like shifter they become--are pretty much the top ruling class.

But as I said, Allie is still ticked off with Levi, but we all know that won't last terribly long, because Levi is Levi. He may not tell Allie things up front, but he is still a good guy at heart. He cares for Allie deeply and he does everything he possibly can to make it up to her. Allie's life in general though seems to be in the hands of Levi and his family. She is surrounded by body guards--or at least she has one in every class this semester, Levi included. What she wants is just a break from it all, to have a normal life, but that's definitely not in the cards for her.

I have to say that I was quite taken with this story. I like how Allie makes friends and yet, they are still involved with her life and the story. Granted they are not there the entire time, but they are pretty involved with quite a few things. Anne is the more outgoing and daring one, while Tiffany is the quieter one. And I have to admit to liking her for that! Go us quiet people from St. Louis! ;)

I was also smitten with the fact that our playboy Jared seemed to be crushing on Tiffany. And then of course there's Hailey who seems to be having her own boy issues this book. As she has an unattainable crush on one particular guy and then it seems another guy has a crush on her as well. It's kind of refreshing to see a love triangle that doesn't involve the main heroine. I find it less annoying, but I am not sure this can be called a love triangle in the traditional sense. Just people crushing on one another, going to have to wait and see how it all turns out.

For awhile though, I wasn't sure where this story was going other than Levi trying to win back Allie's heart. There definitely seems to be something brewing within the paranormal world. The Blackwells, the ever present problem in Levi's rule as king are a constant threat and the threat is gunning for Allie.

But as I said, that issue didn't pop up til just shy past the halfway point and then there comes more relationship woes for Allie and Levi. It's not until the very, very end that the bomb is dropped and a huge revelation/problem lands in Allie's lap. She's going to have to act fast if she wants to resolve it, but luckily Levi's at her side. Now as to Levi allowing her to do what's necessary in this particular cliffhanger matter, is something we'll have to see in the final book, Found. Which I will be starting asap! The best part about reading a series after it's printed is that the cliffhangers don't bother you as much! Of course, it does mean I have been missing out on this awesome trilogy for awhile, but luckily the third book just released this year. So I am not that far behind!

Focus is an unbelievably amazing New Adult series that proves that there can be paranormal New Adult! New Orleans has always been the fascinating mystery city and this series proves it. Allie is an enjoyable heroine I think, because she thinks realistically in terms of relationships, especially in how fast hers with Levi is moving. I like that she has doubts and whatall, that everything isn't always picture perfect. Of course, I still want to read that happy ending in the next one!

Overall Rating 4.5/5 stars

This read was read for the Clean Out Your E-Reader Challenge