Nov 7, 2013

Review--Found by Alyssa Rose Ivy

Levi might be hot, strong, and have a cool set of wings, but it's not enough to make up for keeping Allie in the dark.

Allie's tired of being left with more questions than answers. She's tired of loving a guy who refuses to level with her. Most of all, she's tired of her life spinning out of control.

Desperate to save Jess no matter the personal cost, Allie has to face the possibility that the only one she can trust is herself.

Be forewarned there are spoilers from the previous books in this series

Found is the final book in the Crescent Chronicles by Alyssa Rose Ivy and it couldn't have ended better! Sure I have a few questions left about some of the secondary characters, but sometimes we don't always get to know their fates, but Found was still a very enjoyable read!

 Jess is being held hostage by Allie's ex-boyfriend Toby, and Allie wants nothing more than to get her back safe and sound, but Levi isn't willing to risk Allie's life for hers. He says he's working on getting Jess back, but it's taking too long.

In the meantime, Allie is meeting more of Levi's family and preparing for her role as queen, but the thing is, Allie isn't feeling to well lately, getting headaches that only Levi can seem to cure. Turns out that the bond they formed when Levi asked Allie to marry him and be his queen, isn't too stable. Basically, the other heirs from the different clans could "steal" her away, if Allie chose to wear their rings and marry them. Hence the reason why Toby believes he has a chance of winning Allie back.

I have definitely enjoyed this series! One of the few Paranormal New Adult series I've stumbled onto and I thought it was pretty awesome! Allie has been an enjoyable heroine, thinking things over in a sensible way. True, sometimes things got a touch annoying, like how many times Allie and Levi have to have sex. I get sex is necessary sometimes in books, but as I've mentioned before, it gets annoying when that's all the characters do. Granted that's not completely the case here, but it was pretty close at times.

Allie's friends are back as well, Tiffany and Anne. Although, it was their "fates" at the end that we don't get to hear about. They weren't in the story as much as they were last time. I kind of was hoping Jared and Tiffany would get together and Anne and Owen, but it doesn't look likely. Especially since Jared is going to be going after the heroine in the new spinoff series The Empire Chronicles, where a new heroine, Casey takes the page. So sob on that front, but hopefully Casey will be an enjoyable heroine as well.

Toby was quite the surprise in this one. He came off as an obsessive douche bag in Focus. He's definitely possessive when it comes to Allie--and there is a hidden reason to that that Allie learns about in this one as well. Why she's such a hot commodity with all the heirs.

The romance as I said, was sweet, but got to be a little much at times. There was a good dose of action/suspense towards the end. Lots of tension in that sense because we just didn't know what was going to happen. Allie was making decisions out of left field in order to save Jess and the results were shocking. Overall it was a well paced novel that kept me entertained throughout! There was this constant desire to know what all these secrets were and for the most part, they are explained, if simply.

Definitely looking forward to reading Soar later this month, hopefully, as it doesn't seem to be appearing on Amazon. I am curious to see more of Toby, for he appears in that one as well as Jared. Yes, it seems our new heroine is going to find herself in a love triangle, possibly! Of course now it leaves me wondering just who is on that cover with her?!

Found was a great ending to the Crescent Chronicles trilogy and I am looking forward to new spinoff trilogy to return to some of the old, favorite characters.

Overall Rating 4/5 stars

This read was read for the Clean Out Your E-Reader Challenge