Sep 21, 2014

Stacking the Shelves

This weekly meme is hosted by Tynga's Reviews.

Stacking The Shelves is all about the books we are adding to our shelves each week, sharing with you our excitement for our newest titles and maybe have you discover a new book in the process!

Another insane week of bookish goodness! My poor credit card is weeping!

So from my little excursion on Friday into Naperville, I did some shopping around the area while waiting for the signing to begin and it was very fruitful!

Here's what I bought:

I found this awesome david & goliath magnet that says I heart vampires, as you all know my love of paranormal peeps started with the vampire!

Then there was the totally awesome t-shirt that--while hard to see--says: My patronous is a bookworm! And it rightly shows a bespectacled bookworm reading a book! Then there was a bookmark I had to have, I seem to not own enough! That shows a full bookcase and the words Carpe Librum, then beneath it, the translation: Seize the Book!

I had previously ordered: Mortal Danger by Ann Aguirre & The Vault of Dreamers by Caragh M. O'Brien from the Fierce Reads signing earlier that week and was able to pick them up at the store then! I already read and enjoyed them so I'm happy to have SIGNED copies!

Then I stumbled across Nil by Lynne Matson and remembered hearing good reviews and it sounded interesting, so I thought, what the heck! Let's buy a SIGNED copy! Unpersonalized, but still SIGNED so yay!

Okay, and then I got this little lovely in the mail as apart of the Street Team package from C.C. Hunter:

A lovely gift package that includes a t-shirt, a notepad, pen, bookmarks, a ball that changes colors when you hold it, a maze thingy and of course, an ARC of Eternal by C.C. Hunter!

And then, oh yes, there's more! I bought these books, one I ordered and read and reviewed, one's a keeper copy and the other I sunk to peer pressure by what I hear about it:

Get Even by Gretchen McNeil--the keeper copy!
The Infinite Sea by Rick Yancey--already read, reviewed, loved & shelved! +signed!
Legend by Marie Lu--the peer pressure book! ;)

Then after I wrote up this post, I went out shopping and would you believe it, I bought a little bit more! No books, but bookish items! And one of the items is my SIGNED sampler of Get Even, plus the the first 2 chapters of Get Dirty and a personalized bookplate! YAY!

So that's the sampler and bookplate on top, then to the left is a BEAUTIFUL bookmark with JOHNNY DEPP as my favorite Captain! And Orlando Bloom too! Couldn't pass that up!
Then I finally broke down and bought the "peasant Belle" Pop figure because I just loved it! Her hair style is so her, plus it was mine as a kid too and I just liked it. The only thing missing is her book!

And finally, yes, finally! I bought this necklace from Hebel Design because I looooved Unremembered and loooooved how this is practically a piece of the book!

 It's Sera's locket from the book! It's sooo lifelike! And the second picture, it's hard to see but it has the inscription S + Z = 1609

Whew! And that's my haul this week! What did you get?