1. Grab your current read
2. Open to a page3. Pick out 2 lines that are SPOILER FREE
4. Name the title, author, etc
"I couldn't stop time, but time itself seemed to become lost. It was slowing, giving me just enough precious seconds to swoop half a foot to the right, and I swung my back to the bullet and protected Jonah's chest. A sharp, scolding shot of red-hot lead fused with silver components perforated my skin. It ate its way through my flesh, finally lodging itself in my shoulder. I peeked up at Jonah's frozen face and as his eyelashes finally started to move, time seemed to catch back up with me.
My legs gave way and I fell." Kindle loc. 7%
*Quote comes from my eARC, therefore it and its location are not final.
TITLE: Lailah
AUTHOR: Nikki Kelly
PUBLISHER: Feiwel & Friends
GENRE: Paranormal YA
RELEASE DATE: October 7, 2014
Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish. This feature was created because we are particularly fond of lists here at The Broke and the Bookish. We'd love to share our lists with other bookish folks and would LOVE to see your top ten lists!
Each week we will post a new Top Ten list that one of our bloggers here at The Broke and the Bookish will answer. Everyone is welcome to join. All we ask is that you link back to The Broke and the Bookish on your own Top Ten Tuesday post AND add your name to the Linky widget so that everyone can check out other bloggers lists! If you don't have a blog, just post your answers as a comment. Have fun with it! It's a fun way to get to know your fellow bloggers.
This week's topic is: Top Ten Underrated Authors & Book Series in Urban Fantasy
*in no particular order
Sometimes for me, it's hard to determined who or what's underrated. Cause to me the authors and books I love are freaking incredible! And so I choose these based on how much I may or may not hear about them around the blogosphere and you know, out in society.
1. Jeannie Holmes--author of the canceled Alexandra Sabian series and it was sooo awesome! Devastated that it got canceled.
2. Tracey O'Hara--author of the canceled Dark Brethren series, at least I believe it is. Last book was in 2012. :( Another awesome UF series!
3. Kelly Meding--author of Dreg City, Meta Wars and the new Cornerstone trilogy series. She still writes, but after two series were canceled, I feel like she's underrated despite being totally awesome! She's even self-publishing the Dreg City books!
4. The Intertwined series by Gena Showalter-soooo underrated! This series got FREAKING CANCELED and it ended with cliffhangers!! We need to do all we can to support Gena so the pubs will want to buy 1 more book so the series can be wrapped up!! BUY BUY BUY!!!
5. Hoodoo series by Adrian Phoenix--I think this series kind of got dropped too. It was really intriguing too! I was sad to see it just fall off the shelves like that!
6. Oracle series by Alayna Williams--another awesome series that kind of just ended after two books. They didn't read as duologies either, so I feel like they just kind of got knocked out too soon.
7. Mara Purnhagen--author of the Past Midnight trilogy, she hasn't written since then and I feel like she's underrated because this trilogy with its novellas was incredible! I LOVE it!! Such a creepy and intense kind of trilogy here!
8. Isaac Marion--author of Warm Bodies, hard to say he's underrated since the book was incredible and got a movie deal and done. But that's it. That's all we've heard from him lately and I almost feel like the world's forgotten about him after the movie released. He does say he's hard at work at the next Warm Bodies book and it will be a series of some length!
9. Chloe Jacobs--author of the YA series Mylena Chronicles, not sure when the next one comes out but the wait is killing me!
10. Linda Robertson's Persephone Alcmedi series--an incredible UF series that did get 6 books, yet the story remains unfinished and there's no definitive proof of a book 7. In 2013, Linda mentioned writing it and was posting chapters on her blog on a weekly basis, but it ended after 7 chapters with no updates. So I don't know where this book/series stands anymore. It was really good too!