Jan 7, 2019

ARC Review--Summoned to Thirteenth Grave by Darynda Jones (Repost)

Grim Reaper Charley Davidson is back in the final installment of Darynda Jones’ New York Times bestselling paranormal series!

Charley Davidson, Grim Reaper extraordinaire, is pissed. She’s been kicked off the earthly plain for eternity – which is the appropriate amount of time to make a person starkraving mad. But someone’s looking out for her, and she’s allowed to return after a mere hundred years in exile. Is it too much to hope for that not much has changed? Apparently it is. Bummer.

She’s missed her daughter, she’s missed Reyes, and Beep, but now that she’s back on earth, it’s time to put to rest burning questions that need answers. What happened to her mother? How did she really die? Who killed her? And are cupcakes or coffee the best medicine? It all comes to a head in an epic showdown between good and evil in this final smart and hilarious novel.

I received this ARC from the publisher in exchange for an honest and voluntary review. I was in no way compensated for this review.

Summoned to Thirteenth Grave brings a conclusion to Darynda Jones’ New York Times bestselling Charley Davidson series and it was without a doubt one of the most fantastic thrill rides ever! Every adventure with Charley and Co. has been astounding and entertaining and with Reyes tagging along, super smexy and just wow! Wow. Wow. Wow!!

What I love about this series is how we pick up right where we left off, and naturally, we pick up to find Charley in a place of darkness, a void, if you will. It’s a punishment for bringing Amber back to life, something she was told not to do, but did anyway, because she’s Charley. And then suddenly Charley is back. She counted the days, hours, minutes, and seconds she was gone and discovered that her eternal exile only lasted over one hundred years. She’s not sure why she was brought back or the hows, she’s just glad to be back.

We quickly find out Charley has only been gone for ten days on Earth. But a lot has changed in those ten days. A black demon hole that she dubbed The Shade is slowly taking over Albuquerque, and it’s infecting people around it. It’s an utter pit of chaos, to say the least. But what would a Charley Davidson book be without a little mystery that needs solving as well. Charley and her cohorts find themselves trying to help the ghost of a little boy find his missing family and learn a few other things along the way as well.

This book was just full of surprises! There were so many that kept having me drop my jaw because they were like whoa!! Things I seriously didn’t see coming at all! I love that this series can continue to surprise me until its very end! And what an ending that was, but more on that in a minute!

Like with all Charley books you can go into this one expecting an engaging mystery, ghosts galore, twisted humor that is truly Charley in all walks of life, and of course stolen smoldering moments between her and her husband, Reyes Farrow. Amid all the chaos that surrounds Charley and her friends, there’s still the pressing matter of the war that is to come that her daughter will have to fight. Charley continues to have visions of that fateful day and sees things that are rather key to her daughter’s future.

I absolutely positively loved this book to pieces! It was without a doubt one of the greatest installments ever! I loved how we got see how the main characters that we’ve mingled with over the years. It was like one great big sendoff for readers as this book does end the series, tragic as it might be. And Darynda isn’t through with dropping a few jaw-dropping surprises our way! My mind is still reeling from all the shocks and surprises, not to mention that ending!!

And whoa, what an ending it was! While things end pretty solidly and you can almost imagine what will happen next, Darynda throws a legendary curveball at us that totally shocked the you-know-what out of me! It was one I didn’t see coming and I am still scrambling to figure out what it could mean! Not just what it might lead to, but the meaning behind this shocking event! This is always the downside to reading something early!

The Charley Davidson series was one of the greatest series I ever read! With mystery, mayhem, murder, romance and a heavy dose of snark and sarcasm, this series truly had everything a paranormal girl like myself could ever want! Summoned to Thirteenth Grave is our goodbye to Charley and everyone else, but I am hoping it’s not as final as we might think! This is a series I would recommend again and again to every loving and needing a good paranormal series in their life! Charley Davidson has got it all!

Overall Rating 5/5 stars

Summoned to Thirteenth Grave releases January 15, 2019