Jan 11, 2019

Book Blogger Hop

This meme is hosted by Billy at Ramblings of a Coffee Addict!
This week's question is: What is your first book of the year? - (submitted by Elizabeth @ Silver's Reviews)
MY ANSWER: The first book I read this year was The Cold is in Her Bones by Peternelle van Arsdale.
My review of this one will be up next week! While it was an intriguing read, I can honestly say it wasn't exactly a favorite. All of which you'll find out on Monday! ;)
The first book that released this year that I want to read but haven't yet is Nightchaser by Amanda Bouchet! It sounds awesome and I loved her first book and I plan to read the rest of that trilogy but went ahead and ordered this one anyway during release week! Lol.
One of my most anticipated releases for the beginning of the year, that is already out, is Holly Black's The Wicked King! Which I've ordered...thrice. Yes, THRICE! LOL!! Can't wait to read this one!!