Jan 15, 2019

New Years Resolution Book Tag

New Year's Resolutions Book Tag

I saw this tag last weekend at JennReneeRead and thought it looked like fun! Jenn and Ash found the post over at Rantings of Reading Addict

An author you’d like to read (that you’ve never read before)

Amy Ewing is an author I'd like to try as The Cerulean sounds like an intriguing read and I just might have to give it a go!

A book you’d like to read

Well this one wasn't clear if the book is a 2019 release or earlier, so I decided to go with earlier. Shades of Wicked is one I am still dying to read that I have yet to make time for! Hopefully soon!

A classic you’d like to read

One classic I still want to read is Frankenstein by Mary Shelley! I've had it on my TBR pile for awhile and I still hope to read it one day!

A book you’d like to re-read

I haven't re-read a book in ages, but I DO plan to reread The Named by Marianne Curley, hopefully this year because a new installment in the series came out last year and since I haven't read these books in years, I thought a re-read was necessary to grasp the new book's story and all that! 

A book you’ve had for ages and want to read

So my TBR pile came into play around 2010, it was the year I went to RT and got a LOT of free books and bought another handful too! And it was also the year my dearly beloved Borders closed and I of course bought more books! Dead Girls are Easy is one of the first books on my TBR shelf on Goodreads and one day I hope to binge read this series as I have most of the books from those Borders sales, although I still need to buy the last book which I believe is in ebook only at the moment. I'll have to check! Lol!

A big book you’d like to read

I'm feeling a little lazy and don't want to get too extensive in finding the longest book in my TBR pile so I went with High Voltage by Karen Marie Moning! The page count is 479 and since it's an adult book, the formatting will be a little more intense than your typical YA book! Although, there have been some YA books with small font size and line-spacing! But yeah, just going with this one! Lol!

An author you’ve previously read and want to read more of

I can never get enough of Jennifer's book and I hope that this will be the year that I can start The Return and binge the series! Guess we shall see! 

A book you got for Christmas and would like to read

Well, since I only asked for a few books for Christmas this year, I really want to read all of them! Lol! One that comes to mind is Wicked Charm! This one sounds so exciting so hopefully I will get to it this year!

A series you want to read (start and finish)

One series I plan to read this year back to back is Contagion by Erin Bowman! Yes, it's just a duology, but when at all possible I try to binge duologies to prevent me from going insane with all the waiting! Lol!

A series you want to finish (that you’ve already started)

I'm just throwing this one out there as it's the first one I saw on my TBR shelf, I hope to finish the Red Queen series. I guess we shall see!

Do you set reading goals? If so, how many books do you want to read in 2019?

For this year I set a lower goal of 50 books as I am hoping to find a new job this year and that will cut into reading time and whatnot. I'm hoping to read 15 new releases and 15 TBR books from those 50 which shouldn't be a problem. Last year I realized I over-stretched myself with have a 100 book goal with challenge goals making it 100+ books.

Any other reading goals?

Nope! Just what I listed above!