Another quiet week for the most part. Acquired a few new reads, mostly from the books-for-trade hashtag and one new release! Next week promises to be a BIG release day! I can't wait to go to the bookstore for all of it!! :D
Here's what I got this week:
The Vanishing Stair by Maureen Johnson--I really, really try not to buy the sequels to books I haven't read the first one too, but with Maureen Johnson I feel like I made a safe bet! Lol.
Books I received from books-for-trade:
Hocus Pocus and the All New Sequel by A.W. Jantha
The Cerulean by Amy Ewing (ARC)
THANK YOU Bri & Kristalynn!!
Then I found out I was the winner in the 2018 Series Enders Reading Challenge and won myself a gift card to Amazon!!
Then I received my preorder swag from Crystal Cestari and The Fairest Kind of Love!
THANK YOU Sandy & Holly!
Then I received my preorder swag from Crystal Cestari and The Fairest Kind of Love!
I received a SIGNED bookplate, a bookmark, a postcard and STICKERS!!
THANK YOU Crystal!!
And then because I am HUGE Disney geek, I found myself buying my defense they're purple AND it was a free ship day! :D
I'm tentative planning to take my first ever trip to DisneyLAND maybe in 2020 (fall) or early 2021. I initially was shooting for February 2020 but Sleeping Beauty's castle will still be under construction and if I am going all the way out there I am seeing that castle in all its glory! So I'm debating between September 2020 or February 2021--February was apparently a low volume crowd kind of season, but then I worry about the air travel and the possibility of snow in areas like Missouri and Colorado! So I'm still in my debating/planning stages of things!
And that's it for me this week! What did you all get?