This was a pretty eh week. There was some stress, there was a lot of snow, and then more stress because I was driving home in said snow when it all started! I was able to leave just as the storm was starting, so I probably got ahead of most of the traffic, but as I was leaving I could see the highway backed up two stoplights early, so I made a quick U-turn and drove the back roads instead of the highway. Took awhile for my GPS to kick in since I wasn't sure where I was going, turns out I would've been fine without it, but I know for next time! Lol. Stayed home all day yesterday not doing anything, probably should've read, but I was lazy. I don't get too many lazy days!
But anyway, here's what I got during the week that made up for all that stress!
Nightchaser by Amanda Bouchet
Slayer by Kiersten White--the B&N edition! I still need to read the extra chapter from Faith's POV, probably after I finish my current read, as I'm weird like that!
The Wicked King by Holly Black--x3! Yes x3! I got the standard edition, the B&N edition, and the Owl Crate one! I know most people have posted pictures of the Owl Crate contents already but I like to wait awhile just as a courtesy, so I'll likely share that at the end of the month just to be extra safe...and when everyone has already seen said contents!
Books I received for review from the publisher:
Wicked Saints by Emily A. Duncan (ARC)
Spectacle by Jodie Lynn Zdrok (ARC)
THANK YOU Wednesday Books & Tor Teen!!
Other bookish goodies I got this week because I have no willpower (LOL):
Bookworm t-shirt from Shirt.Woot