Would You Rather Read an Early ARC of a HIGHLY Anticipated Read OR Meet the Author on Tour and Get a Signed Finished Copy?
Yes, a rather long winded one there! Lol! It came to mind as I watch people get ARCs months and months in advance! Like more than the typical 6 months or so. I don't think I've really paid much attention to how early I receive some ARCs, because it sometimes depends on what's going on and how soon I can read it, which usually isn't right when I get it, because I might be behind, other times I can read them right away because it sometimes takes awhile for requests to be approved and whatnot.
But my answer is: I'd rather read the finished copy and have the opportunity to meet the author and get my copy signed instead of reading an ARC. There have been too many times where an author has changed something drastically from the ARC to the finished copy for ones I felt were highly anticipated and I'd rather not run that risk. I don't have time for re-reads, so I wouldn't really be able to just reread the book with its new ending and whatnot. So I'd rather read the book in its final format and meet the author than receive an early ARC of said book.
Though it seems more of a gamble if said author will be touring near me, but for the sake of the "what if?" question I'm saying that is possible! Lol.
What would you rather have happened with the above scenario?