Jul 7, 2023

Book Blogger Hop


This meme is hosted by Billy at Ramblings of a Coffee Addict!
This week's question is: What character do you identify with and why? (submitted by Billy @ Coffee Addicted Writer

MY ANSWER: Well, I always identified with Katy from Jennifer L. Armentrout's Obsidian (Lux series)!

Not only was she a reader, but also a blogger! I love that even wayyy back then Jennifer was giving love to the readers and the bloggers!

Another character I always felt like I identified with was Jessica from Demon in My View by Amelia Atwater-Rhodes!

Yes, we shared the same name, but I also loved that she was a writer and when I read this book years ago, I was an aspiring one myself. I will admit, I have been neglecting my manuscript for wayyyyy too long and need to get back to it, perhaps the world will be ready again for some vampires! I mean I never stopped waiting! So maybe there are a few more of us out there!

Another character I always felt like I could relate to was Kate from Old Magic by Marianne Curley! Kate was a bit of an outsider, didn't have many friends, I believe just 1 and was bullied. But she was a powerful witch in her own right. She was a little on the quiet/shy side and that is just me all the way! I just wish I had her magic to back myself up too! Lol.
ONE MORE CHARACTER! I just remembered Ziva from Tricia Levenseller's Blade of Secrets! Omg, I soooo related to Ziva as she has social anxiety. She always stresses about how she's acting around people, worrying about things, wondering what they might be thinking, if she's over-stepping. A thousand different things and I so so so do this in my attempts at socializing with people. So I truly relate to her as well!

Those are my top 4 characters I feel like I can relate to! There's another one itching at the back of my mind, but of course, I can't quite bring it forward. I find I relate to those somewhat shy, quiet sort, but has a feisty attitude...or temper. Whichever one, both fit me really! Lol.

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