Jul 24, 2023

Let's Discuss: Changing the Schedule


So as I was writing up my Monday wrap-up post I was inspired to write another quickie discussion post! Lol. I realized that my reading schedule kept changing and I wondered, how often do you change your reading schedule?

Changing the Schedule

How often do you find yourself changing your reading lineup? Generally, I find I stick to it pretty well. If I decide I want to read X book next, it will be next. But every once in awhile I change my mind and things get shuffled around. The last few weeks are a perfect example! I thought I would dive into some poorly neglected TBR books but then the hype for Fourth Wing kept haunting me everywhere, so I upped that in my "queue." Then I realized I had a good amount of time to read a good amount of another author's book who will be at the signing I'm going to on Friday. This author was actually at my bookstore in March when her book released, so it's signed but I thought I could get my Fairy Loot one actually signed so I decided to pick that one up next instead of the book I initially planned as next for the last 3 weeks now.

There have also been times when I will deviate from my plans when I get a review book at a certain time or whatnot. I'm actually realizing I will need to finish up my last two review books somewhat soon as I have plans for reading throughout October and these are early November books, so here I am already thinking 2 books ahead! Lol! Now if that changes between now and 2 books is anyone's guess.

So for the most part, I plan my own reading schedule as to what books I will read, usually just up to the next book and maybe the one after. I stick to it for the most part but every now and then it gets changed and then it takes awhile for me to "get back on track!" Honestly, if I could give up the need for sleep that would solve ALL my reading problems! How I wish I didn't need to sleep for 8 hours, because yeah, I kind of need the whole 8, sometimes more! Lol.

Do you often change your reading plans? Do you set out to read certain books in a certain order or do you get derailed by peer non-pressure (aka peer pressure, but not actual pressure, lol)? Or you know detailed by other books or the need to review certain books by a certain time?

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