Jul 14, 2023

Book Blogger Hop

This meme is hosted by Billy at Ramblings of a Coffee Addict!
This week's question is: What are your thoughts on "happily ever after" endings? (submitted by Billy @ Coffee Addicted Writer)
MY ANSWER: Honestly, I love them! Especially if it's a series finale. I would rather see the characters I grew to love and root for get a happy ending. Generally, the books I read, the author will put her heroes/heroines through the ringer through various novels! So if I can see these characters finally get a little bit of peace at the end, even if it is happily enough ever after, I'm happy!
Basically as long as there's no dire turmoil or deceptions...I'm happy! Though as I say all this, I am thinking of a novel that literally ended with a reveal that challenges the HEA we thought we just read about. I was happy and then I read that and I was like OH NO SHE DIDN'T! *She being the author! Lol. It's left me with mixed feelings and if all goes well and I can roadtrip to see this author later this month, I am SO whisper/asking her about it!! It wasn't an ugly kind of surprise, but it was definitely something of a game changer that may or most likely not result in another installment. I say not just because I don't know if there's more story to tell, but who's to say? Time will tell I guess!


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