Hey everyone! Sorry for the lateness! I have a temporary/seasonal/occasional part time job and had to work today! Still lookin for the full time job, but at least this gives me some book money!!!
Anyway, and now for the reason you're all here, the WINNERS of my Boucheron Contest are announced!
1st place: Denise Z.--Hexes and Hemlines!
2nd place: Shellee Kallas--Tracking the Tempest!
3rd place: Michelle Greathouse--Sacrifice!
Congrats everyone! I have contacted the winners and they will have 48 hours to respond to my email or else a new winner will be chosen for said book!
Thanks everyone! Stick around for at Halloween time I will have an AWESOME prize pack for the Spooktacular Blog Hop!
*Winners, if for some reason you didn't get my email, please contact me in the comments with your addy! Thanks!