Sep 8, 2011

Random Thursday

This is so gross. I've seen it on TV a few times and still each time I think it has to be a joke, because it's just soooo gross!

It's this game called Doggie Doo:

You can probably take a wild guess as to the concept and you would be right! The way of the game is collecting this doggie's "poo". It's playdough that to feed it to the dog, squeeze the handle when it's your turn and try to collect as much "poo" as you can.

Yes, the person who has the most "poo" at the end of the game is the winner. Isn't that gross? When I was a kid I played traditional games like Candy Land, Chutes and Ladders or a few  games from my time such as Polly Pocket the Game--when Polly was uber uber tiny, smaller than Thumblina and The Littlest Pet Shop game--back when LPS were cuter looking animals and more life like or at least with life like colors!