Sep 19, 2011

Bouchercon Giveaway!

Hey all! From my trip to Bouchercon I ended up with some doubles that I got SIGNED! And I wanted to share the love by giving them away!

Unfortunately they're not all super new releases, but whether or not if you've read them, you could still add a SIGNED copy to your collection! I tend to do that at times as well! But since I don't need doubles I'm gonna give these away!

I have 3 SIGNED books here, each with a bookmark related to its series! I also snagged these really cool looking buttons, they're white with a red light bulb--like the warning kind!--that says Nerd Alert. I got a kick out of them because when it comes to UF I can be quite the nerd!

So I have here: 
Tracking the Tempest by Nicole Peeler
Hexes and Hemlines by Juliet Blackwell
Sacrifice by Dakota Banks

So pretty simple, there will be 3 winners, 1st place gets to choose from all 3, second chooses from the remaining 2 and third place will get the last one. And they were all fantastic reads! Click on the titles of the books to read my reviews! Some are a little older, so the formats might be different than what my reviews look like now.

Going to have to keep this one to just the US & Canada I'm afraid. Shipping would be too costly and I'm still job hunting. Sorry guys! Going to keep it simple, just fill out the form below before September 24 at 11:59 PM. Winners will be notified and announced here at the blog sometime on Sunday.