Dec 28, 2014

Stacking the Shelves--Xmas Haul

This weekly meme is hosted by Tynga's Reviews.

Stacking The Shelves is all about the books we are adding to our shelves each week, sharing with you our excitement for our newest titles and maybe have you discover a new book in the process!

I hope everyone celebrating had an amazing Christmas! Mine was incredible!

So pre-Christmas, I gifted myself with a few DVDs because Amazon had a sale that I couldn't pass up! And one is even book related!

 The 100 Season 1 DVD--didn't watch it when it aired, but been hearing lots of good things so I jumped at the $15 price when I could!
BITTEN Season 1 DVD--really liked this show despite the incredible differences from the book it made, but loved it all the same! Can't wait for season 2!!

Then I also bought for myself:

 The Ryu Morgue by Nicole Peeler
The Moth in the Mirror by A.G. Howard--already read and reviewed!

Then I won from Kathleen Peacock via the publisher:

 Willowgrove by Kathleen Peacock (ARC)

Then I also bought a while back and it finally shipped this week, this awesome tote bag from Shirt.Woot: 

For Xmas from my Mom, I got:

Opposition by Jennifer L. Armentrout--SIGNED by Jennifer & PEPE!! And it's a hardcover!!

Book-related from my Mom I got:

a pile of Books ornament
a small Gargoyle reading a book statue!

Non-bookish items I got:

Supernatural Season 9 DVD
Psych Season 8 DVD
Once Upon a Time Season 3 DVD
True Blood Season 6 & 7 DVDs
*lots of TV shows because I love rewatching them! Watch them a lot when I work out on the treadclimber! Makes the workout go by sooo much faster!
Veronica Mars the Movie DVD--yes! Now I just need to finish watching season 3 to be caught up for this one!
the traditional socks we do in our family
a Vera Bradley notepad and luggage tag
the Disney 2015 Desk Calendar--going to be verrrrry helpful with those Random Thursday posts!
and the creme de la creme: a Haunted Mansion wallpaper infinity scarf!

this CUTE Peter Pan picture frame from Hallmark; it says: Grow wise. Grow strong. But, never grow up.

Book my bestie gave me for Christmas:

 Fairest of All by Serena Valentino

She also said she had ordered more books but Amazon was being wonky and not delivering them. Might have to wait until March. Luckily I have plenty to read until then!

And then I also got quite the variety of gift cards to B&N and Amazon. I'd say I got enough to get me through June! LOL!

So I'd say I was very, very good this year! LOL! And I cannot wait to spend these gift cards! My credit card will get a nice break for a good while now! What did you all get?!