Stacking The Shelves is all about the books we are adding to our shelves each week, sharing with you our excitement for our newest titles and maybe have you discover a new book in the process!
I had quite a week this week! I got quite a few preorders that I forgot, some books I ordered last week with my B&N coupons, and my Black Friday Bookoutlet Order came as well.
My Bookoutlet order was just these three; overall damages were minimal. Been hearing HORROR stories of severely damaged ones. There were a few dents in the Jay books on the spines, but nothing too dreadful. The worst was seeing a black permanent marker dot on the back of Gier's book!
Sapphire Blue by Kiersten Gier--I had the first and third ARC, so I thought I'd buy this one!
Juliet Immortal by Stacey Jay--I enjoyed Princess of Thorns and decided to try this duology as well!
Romeo Redeemed by Stacey Jay--and the reason to try the whole duology was that this one was SIGNED!!
Other books I bought were:
Princess of Thorns by Stacey Jay--a keeper copy since I read the ARC!
Wicked by Jennifer L. Armentrout--cannot wait to read!!
Gathering Darkness by Morgan Rhodes
Mermaids: The Myths, Legends, & Lore by Skye Alexander--a B&N bargain, thought maybe I might try writing a mermaid kind of book one day! It's research purposes kind of book!
The Mythical Creatures Bible by Brenda Rosen--another research kind of book! This one will definitely be helpful in trying to find another paranormal creature I could write about!
Fire & Flood by Victoria Scott--SIGNED! A present to myself! Decided to take Victoria up on her offer of buying signed books! I never did buy a keeper copy of this one and the opportunity was too perfect to pass up!
For review from the publisher I received:
The Witches of Echo Park by Amber Benson (ARC)--curious to try this one! Couldn't get into Amber's first series but might be trying this one out!!
And now for the non-book goodies, but some are still very BOOKISH!
From a spree with coupon at Shirt.Woot, I bought:
Grim Readers Book Club--made me think of the Charley Davidson series and plus my books are 99% paranormal reads, so I felt the skull guy fit!
The second is a bookish quote that made me lol! So true! "When I have a little money I buy books. And if I have any left, I buy food and clothes."--priorities!
Then at the time of buying my purchase came with a FREE gift! It was this set of pins!
The BINGE--a popular design that basically has Cookie Monster passed out from his binge of milk and cookies!
Go Sports! Move the thing to the other thing!--which is sooo me, because I am clueless with sports! LOL
And then this sciencey looking thing! The red dots are dice..not sure what this design meant or was...
Scrabble Jewelry from Home Studio, an Etsy shop! This was a huge Black Friday sale and I went a little crazy!
The Scrabble tiles were mostly bookish ones; I Like Big Books and I Cannot Lie!
Book Hangover: Bloodshot Eyes, Lack of Energy, Guilty Smile--these have checkmarks next to them
I Cannot Live Without Books
Forget the Beast, I'll Take His Library
a Gingerbread Guy!
So Many Books, So Little Time--on a clockface! Totally cute!
I Still Believe in 398.2--the Dewey Decimal System number for the Fairy Tale section!
Guardians of the Galaxy DVD--have yet to see it and it was $10 so I was pretty happy with my sale!
And as I weep over my credit card bill, I at least have some shirts, fabulous jewelry, a movie to watch and plenty to read until next pay day! What did you all get?