Dec 21, 2014

Stacking the Shelves

This weekly meme is hosted by Tynga's Reviews.

Stacking The Shelves is all about the books we are adding to our shelves each week, sharing with you our excitement for our newest titles and maybe have you discover a new book in the process!

Had a GREAT week! Not only was it my birthday, but I also got my TBTBSanta gift and it was just all sorts of happiness this week!

So here's what I got in the normal course of the week:

 Nightshade by Andrea Cremer--UK Copy! Yes, I found yet another UK copy at my local Half Priced Books so I snatched that baby up! And since I read this one, it just gets shelved!

My Birthday Haul:

So miscellaneous things such as the complete series of Veronica Mars! I can finally finish season 3!
a wallet, a sweatshirt and this AWESOME mug with a stack of books and a bookworm coming out of one that my mom got for me from her trip to Mexico!
And the creme de la creme: Jim Shore Bookends of Cinderella and BELLE reading a BOOK!!!

My TBTBSanta gift from Terri:

Harry Potter Socks!
Neverland by Anna Katmore
Snow Like Ashes by Sara Raasch

YAY! Thanks Terri!

More micelleaneous items I bought with a partial gift card and coupon from a variety of places:

Boy Meets World: The Complete Series DVD--with sale price and my coupon it was $40!!
Mama's Family: The Complete Series DVD--one of my fave shows from the 90s!
The Maze Runner DVD
a small set of bookends for my nightstand

a B&N giftcard from my coworkers

And that was my awesome week! Next week...Christmas! YAY! What did you all get?