This meme is hosted by Billy at Ramblings of a Coffee Addict!
This week's question is: When reading a series, do you re-read the previous books before reading the newly released book? (submitted by Angelica @ Paperback Princess)
MY ANSWER: I used to. A long, long, long time ago when I didn't have enough to read. I can't remember those days too well. Lol. Nowadays I don't have time for rereading, so I've taken to taking extremely detailed notes. Granted I still have a pile of series that I don't have notes for that remain unfinished that I will likely be in trouble with when the time comes to pick up the next installment, but I can sometimes find a series recap on those too! Luckily for most I've only read book 1, so finding the recap shouldn't be too bad.
Occasionally I will binge read a series too and oh that's a wonderful feeling! It's such a breeze and I realize I need to do this more often! Lol.