Apr 11, 2019

Random Thursday

Today is the last day for the Animals chapter in The Little Book of Answers by Doug Lennox! I'm actually really excited for the next chapter. I mentioned it awhile back, but I'll say it again, the next chapter is Beliefs and Superstitions and I can only expect goodness and oddities from that one!

(image borrowed from Pinterest)
The idea that a stork delivers babies came from Scandinavia and was prompted from the writings of Hans Christian Andersen. When storks nest it tends to be on warm chimneys, they'd also lift pieces of clothing then stuff that into their nest. To a child this looked like they were stuffing babies down the chimney. A stork is a very nurturing creature and protective of its young which makes it a symbol of good parenthood.

That's a rather interesting story behind the stork and its delivering of babies! I never knew the reasoning behind it!

(image borrowed from Southeastern Guide Dogs)
"Every dog has his day" has kind of a dark history behind it. In ancient times dogs didn't live the high life like they do now. ;) That's there was expressions like "it's a dog's life," "sick as a dog," and "dog-tired." "Every dog has his day" was first recorded as an epilogue for Euripides, a Greek playwright, who was killed in 405 BC by a pack of dogs.

(image borrowed from Local/The Onion)
"The hair of the dog" became known as a hangover cure around the Middle Ages. While this particular cure itself might not be that old, it was during this time that the medical logic from the Romans that basically says the cure for ailments can be found in its cause. Therefore, if you're hungover, have another drink of the same thing from the night before to cure your illness in the morning!

I still find this weird. But whatever! 

(image borrowed from Daily Mail)
The expression "frog in your throat" isn't from the actual illness of having a sore throat. It dates back to the Middle Ages as a treatment for throat infection. Doctors would basically put a frog head-first into the patient's mouth with the belief that the frog would inhale the cause of the hoarseness. 

Oh. My. God. I did not know that this was actually a practice instead of an ailment!

(image borrowed from Wall Street Journal)
The difference between a "flock" of geese and a "gaggle" of geese is pretty much nothing. Any group of birds, goats, or sheep is referred to as a "flock." Though there are other names for specific types of birds. Quail are called a "bevy," hawks are a "cast," sparrows are a "host," swans are a "herd," and peacocks are a "muster." Geese as you might guess are a "gaggle," but only when they are on the ground, if they are flying they are called a "skein."

I honestly never knew any of this! It's a revelation to know that basically saying "flock of geese" or "gaggle of geese" is the same thing! Unless they're flying! ;)