Apr 17, 2019

The Nightmare Before Christmas Book Tag

I saw this fun tag over at JennReneeRead who saw it at Read All the Things! and thought it looked like fun! The Nightmare Before Christmas is that fun movie to watch right around Halloween and getting ready for Christmas! I'm borrowing the gifs from Jenn as well!

JACK: a character who longs for more

Scarlett is definitely someone who is looking for something more before she's forced into an arranged marriage.

SALLY: a book character who loves someone and gets them in the end

Ironically, I'm picking a guy for this one. Lol. I feel like Bones fell in love with Cat first but since she was scared because of the whole falling in love with a vampire and she hunts vampires things were complicated. Needless to say, it didn't take long for them to work out their issues!

ZERO: a book with a loyal sidekick

Yelena has the best "partners in crime" I like to call them that instead of sidekicks. Ari and Janco were the best of friends to Yelena and I loved watching them help her through all the chaos. Though, I'd think Janco would call Ari his sidekick though. Lol. These two were a laugh riot, or mostly Janco was and Ari's reactions were just lovable too.

OOGIE BOOGIE: a book with a wicked villain

The Komizar is the first one to come to mind. He was pretty dastardly.

HALLOWEEN TOWN: a creepy book

The Dead House was pretty creeptacular! I loved it!

CHRISTMAS TOWN: a warm, fuzzy book

I don't get too many of those being a paranormal reader. The Best Kind of Magic is the closest I can get off the top of my head. It was a cute read but still paranormaly in nature!

WHAT'S THIS? a book that surprised you

I mean I knew Legendary was going to be amazing but I was still taken by surprise with all the twists and turns the story took!