Apr 8, 2019

Disney Song Book Tag

I saw this fun tag over at JennReneeRead and knew I had to do it!! They originally saw it over at The Book Nut. The image above was borrowed from Medium and the below images I borrowed from Jenn and Ash's blog! I'm only wondering how I never seen this tag before?!

PART OF YOUR WORLD: What book world would you change yourself for so you could be a part of that world?

Going with the classic for this one! It's so hard to choose one. The majority of my reads are based in this world here but with characters other than human. Otherwise they tend to be fantasy worlds that I can't say I'd want to live in because of harsh environments and government systems! Lol.

LET IT GO: What book did you not want to finish because you loved it so much?

I'm predicting the future on this one! I am planning to re-read the entire series before finishing this one! Yes, I plan to RE-READ a book! Two in fact!

BEAUTY AND THE BEAST: What book do you think is/will be timeless?

Since books like Harry Potter are already timeless, I'd like to think that Caraval will be among the other timeless classics of my generation. Then of course, there are the books I consider timeless for myself that are probably unheard of books for other people, so really I feel like this question can have many answers!

SO THIS IS LOVE: What book were you hesitant to read at first but ended up loving?

I was first hesitant to pick this one up since BORDERS stocked it in the romance section. I had been burned by other books that were on those shelves that weren't what I was expecting, but I decided to take a chance on this series since I saw at least 2 other authors I enjoyed quoting on the cover giving the book its praises. And in the end I LOOOOVED this one and became a fan of pretty much everything Rachel would write!

FRIEND LIKE ME: Which character would you like to be your best friend?

I'd think Katy and I would be great friends! We like a lot of the same books and who doesn't want to have a best friend with the same reading tastes and is a fellow blogger?

REFLECTION: What book really made you think/changed the way you view things?

This one really makes you look at what makes a "monster" and what makes a "human" differently.

COLORS OF THE WIND: Who do you tag?

Anyone and everyone who wants to join in!