Teaser Tuesday is a weekly feature hosted by Purple Princess of The Purple Booker.
1. Grab your current read
2. Open to a page
3. Pick out 2 lines that are SPOILER FREE
4. Name the title, author, etc.
"Fate, you cruel SOB. I hope something ganks you." Kindle loc. 38%*
*Quote comes from the eARC, therefore it and its location are not final.
TITLE: The Evil Queen
AUTHOR: Gena Showalter
PUBLISHER: Inkyard Press
GENRE: Fairy Tale Retellings
RELEASE DATE: June 25, 2019
Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together.
This week's topic is: Outrageous Things I’ve Done for the Love of Books (submitted by Aggie’s Amygdala)
10. MIDNIGHT RELEASE PARTIES--mostly for Harry Potter of course, I woke up SUPER early to go to BORDERS to get in line to get a line ticket kind of thing and was always richly rewarded with a number that was in the top 15 or so!
9. DROVE FAR FAR AWAY--the record ROAD TRIP was 985 miles to Savannah...with a pit-stop in Charleston for some sightseeing. The author event I wanted to attend (signing day only) was the Authors After Dark. I'm only sad that it disbanded before I could attend the full event.
8. FLYING FAR FOR SHORT VISIT--I once flew to Pittsburgh for essentially a day! I was still young and kind of afraid to travel alone, so I asked my mom if I paid for our airline and hotel fare if she'd come along and she said yes of course! The event? RT 2008 (signing day only). I was desperate to meet Maria V. Snyder so I surprised her with a visit! It was an added plus that I got to meet other authors too!
7. BOOKSTORE HUNTS--a weird way of saying it, but basically somewhat related to roadtripping except with the express purpose of going to different bookstores to find those magical books!
6. KILLED MY BACK--so those BIG events I attended, like RT Con? On signing day I pretty much killed my back loading it down with books. My poor shoulders were sore too from the extra shoulder bags. I guess in a way I was building muscle? Lol.
5. GAVE UP SLEEP--in my early days I should say. I would stay up late into the night reading my books dying to finish one.
4. GONE BROKE--I think we've all done this for the love of books! I have a shirt that says: "When I have a little money, I buy books...and if I have any left I buy food and clothes." So true! Lol.
3. PAID INSANE PRICES--something I am ashamed to admit that kind of goes in hand with the above, but this is usually more in regards to the shipping charges to get my most coveted books! There has been at least 1 book I paid triple digits for and I never regretted it!
2. GAVE UP MY SANITY--I believe I was sane once...I'm not sure when. Then somewhere along the lines I lost my sanity to reading! The love of reading, the cliffhangers that surrounded me, the ABSOLUTE PURE AGONY when a favorite series was CANCELLED with CLIFFHANGERS!!! And having THAT happen multiple times...yeah...I probably need to see a doctor too for heart stress!
1. BOUGHT MULTIPLE EDITIONS--I never once thought I'd be the reader who'd buy multiple copies of the same book...deliberately! Lol. Why buy the same book when I can buy so many new ones? But then I fell in love with certain authors and their works. Then publishers changed beautiful covers to sometimes gorgeous covers and I fall victim to cover lust and needing them all. So yeah, I've bought the same book many a time!