1. Grab your current read
2. Open to a page
3. Pick out 2 lines that are SPOILER FREE
4. Name the title, author, etc.
Find way too many good teases! So I went with a few of them. Had to restrain myself and not choose more, they were all just too good!
Find way too many good teases! So I went with a few of them. Had to restrain myself and not choose more, they were all just too good!
"I wanted Aric. Then. Now. Fast. Especially when his mouth moved to my neck and found a spot behind my--
'Celia Wird! You unhand that boy this instant!'
And that's when the devil in support hose appeared." p 29
"'It's not like we parade shirtless men around here.'
As if on cue, Liam jogged around to the front of the house. Naked." p 29
"'Watch out, little kitty. Here comes the wolf.'" p 204
TITLE: A Cursed Embrace
AUTHOR: Cecy Robson
GENRE: Urban Fantasy
RELEASE DATE: July 2, 2013
Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish.
This week's topic is: Top Ten Books At The Top Of My Summer TBR List
*in no particular order
Most of these are ones that are in my TBR pile with a few exceptions that release next month! Don't want to go further than July with new releases since I always defined summer as time not in school. August is usually half summer, but that starts to get complicated!! Trying to keep this one simple with mostly TBR books and the first two as early July releases! Weird is me! :D
1. Fifth Grave Past the Light by Darynda Jones
2. Deadly Forecast by Victoria Laurie
3. Dead Ever After by Charlaine Harris
4. Of Poseidon by Anna Banks
5. Of Triton by Anna Banks
6. Blood Fever by Veronica Wolff
7. The Keep by Veronica Wolff
8. Tempest Reborn by Nicole Peeler
9. Obsession by Jennifer L. Armentrout
Yes, I still need to read this one!
10. Angelfall by Susan Ee
Now the challenge is trying to actually read all these! Might start doing so in a few weeks because I have a few more older books I would like to read first.