Stacking The Shelves is all about the books we are adding to our shelves each week, sharing with you our excitement for our newest titles and maybe have you discover a new book in the process!
OMG! I had the best STS ever!!
Look at the top! Look at the top!! Origin came 4 days early!!!! Eek!! Plus two other of my books I ordered from Amazon went on sale after I preordered them all so I got refunded some cash
When I saw the brown box sitting on the porch yesterday afternoon, I told myself not to get too excited. I approached it slowly. Looked down, saw my name, saw Amazon, and practically shrieked with joy and started ripping at the box right there on the porch and dug to the bottom to find Daemon waiting for me! Yes, I had me a happy moment yesterday!
So last week I bought:
Origin by Jennifer L. Armentrout
Hearts in Darkness by Keri Arthur--a keeper copy with the new cover!
The Liberator by Victoria Scott
Blood Bond by Jeanne C. Stein
Sea Glass by Maria V. Snyder--a keeper copy with the new MM paperback cover! See review from original release here.
Elegy by Tara Hudson--a keeper copy since I am trying to go to a signing next week. See review from original release here.
Alice in Zombieland by Gena Showalter--a keeper copy since I have the ARC*. See review from original release here.
Terminated by Rachel Caine
So from all those books I have added only 4 to my actual TBR pile!
*And check out the reason why I bought Alice in Zombieland in its new paperback format, look at the very bottom of the list!
I was quoted!! I was initially quoted before Alice in Zombieland's release, but the hardcover didn't have this page of praises, so when I saw the paperback I decided to see if maybe it had them and it DID! This was the first time I saw my name in print! At least when I initially thought it would be in print at the time of the hardcover release. So basically this is my first quote! :D
And that was what I got this week! A very happy week, if I do say so myself! What did you get?